USC will I get in?

<p>So I applied early action to the University of South Carolina. Recently, a few people who applied in my school have received acceptance letters. Im getting a bit worried. Heres my information:
From New Jersey
Critical Reading and Math Sat : 1160
GPA: 3.3
Captain of my varsity cheerleading team, honors English and AP class and honors classes this year. Mostly A's and B's. A lot of volunteering hours and working with organizations.
I know I'm a little low, especially with my GPA...but i know there are people who have been accepted with much lower scores. Thanks for the help!</p>

<p>Your test scores are ok for USC, but your GPA is under their average. So Iā€™d say its a reach for you Make sure you write really good essays compensate for your low GPA. Chance back please:<a href=ā€œā€>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;