<p>3 days to go and still can’t decide.</p>
<p>So the fact the opinions in this thread are about 8-1 in favor of Davis hasn’t persuaded you… Well, that decision is between you and your parents.</p>
<p>What’s keeping you from choosing Davis? It’s obviously the more practical choice and for bio, it’s hard to imagine a better place than Davis. Something must be bothering you about it. Why don’t you tell us what your concerns are and we might be able to calm them.</p>
<p>Someone mentioned class sizes - the difference is less than one might suppose:</p>
<p>I was recently on the USC campus with my boss, whose very down to earth southern daughter, attends the school. I was extremely impressed with what she had to say. He can afford it, but she doesn’t take it for granted at all, and her friends seem very level-headed and study hard. I think the party rep is a little overblown. </p>
<p>Your choice is a hard one. USC has really risen in stature as admission to top schools has become almost impossible. It is definitely a prestigious school. However, Davis has a fine reputation and a great environment, too.</p>
<p>With that large of a difference in cost I can’t see where the indecision comes in either.</p>
<p>No. Definitely not.</p>
<p>Go to Davis and treat yourself to a nice new car + week in Hawaii (for the money you save, you can easily do it). </p>
<p>If I could afford to pay for USC, I would go. Was my dream school when I was young. A good friend of my son is there on the NMF scholarship, so he passed on the full ride to the Southern schools to attend his dream school. It’s paying off. He’s had an internship with a well known production company since freshman year. Money well spent.</p>
<p>Yes, but OP’s kid is planning to study biology, not film or business!</p>
<p>A bachelor’s in biology will in all likelihood require graduate or professional school. How will that be paid for after $240,000 for USC?</p>
<p>My son went to USC because he was admitted into the film school. He was also admitted in-state to UVA, where we had the pre-paid tuition plan, and OOS to UNC. My wife and I both went there for grad school. Had he not gotten into film school it is really questionable whether we would have sent him to USC, and I really, really like the school. Not especially keen on LA though.</p>