<p>So what are the chances.
Weighted GPA is over 4.0
Unweighted is 3.86
I live in Tennessee, My Dad lives in California and Went to USC
I have a 26 on the ACT (I KNOW ITS LOWW!!!) And Dont know yet on the SAT
I am ranked 26 out of 297
I am captain of the Varsity Tennis team
I am in basically any club you can think of and Am Vice President/ president/ officer in most of them.
Also anyone know about having dual residencies.
So can i get in?
Oh also i am Hispanic. I dont know if that does anything lol</p>
<p>Sorry it wont let me edit. This is University of Southern Cal were talking about... Forgot about South Carolina is out there too lol</p>
<p>I say you have a very good chance. You'd have a slightly better chance if your ACT was higher. The median at USC is a 28. </p>
<p>Deifinitely apply to USC and to a few other schools including at least one that you can be certain you'll be accepted to.</p>
<p>Thanks. What about anyone else? </p>
<p>And would i have a better chance if i lived in CA, or for USC does it not matter?</p>
<p>hate to but... bump Please... any insight would be great. your 2 cents w/e.
<p>You are probably a low match with those statistics. The GPA is slightly above average for USC, the test score, slightly below. Leadership is highly prized at USC, as is athletic participation. You didn't say if you were a president or held an office in your school clubs. This might make the difference at USC. </p>
<p>Living in California makes no difference, since USC is a private university. In fact, if anything, living in Tennessee probably improves your chances of acceptance slightly.</p>
<p>Make sure you mention your father went there. The school will consider you more likely to enroll if accepted as a result of your father being an alumnus. This will definitely improve your chances, especially as an out-of-state applicant.</p>
<p>I did say that though "I am in basically any club you can think of and Am Vice President/ president/ officer in most of them."
President of Habitat for humanity ( basically started the club at a new school)
Vice President of National Honor Society
President of National technical Honor society
Treausurer for Future Business Leaders Of America (FBLA)
Member of YADA youth against discrimination association
On the Math Team
I am in a club called Link Crew, In which seniors and juniors are given 10 freshmen and are to mentor them, and help them out in any way throughout the entire year. This includes taking them tailgating, including them in school activities, making sure they are keeping up their grades.
As i said captain of varsity tennis team Also # 1 seed</p>
<p>Also i have had an Internship at Dave Ramsey for the last 6 months
i dont know if anyone has heard of him. He is a nationally syndicated talk show host, who teaches people about money and getting out of debt. I work in the building he does on the eBusiness Marketing department.
So low match meaning.. Not getting in? Sorry i am not familiar with the lingo.</p>
<p>thanks calcruzer!</p>
<p>An answer would be great, but if not. Someone please tell me what low match is. thanks</p>
<p>bump 10chars</p>
<p>final bump !</p>
<p>A low match is roughly a 40-50%(I believe) chance of admission.</p>
<p>Ok see thats what i thought at first. But after looking through threads with the word low match, i inferred it meant... it was a high chance of getting in. Because a high match would mean a reach... and a safe match would mean safe... If someone could clear this up that would be great.. maybe calcruzer himself.</p>
<p>I believe it goes like this, IMO, but everyone has their own scale
Super safety (90%)
Safety (70-90%)
High Match/Safe Match (70%)
Match (50-70%)
Low Match (40-50%)
Super Reach(0-20%)</p>
<p>Oh wow.. So a low match huh? Interesting. How can that be... anyone else think otherwise? I have great EC's Low but not terribly bad test scores... and excellent grades. And my dad went there. I didnt think USC was crazy hard to get into... but i guess i am mistaken. Any second opinions?</p>
<p>Pluses: good gpa, good ec's, Tennessee, Hispanic, legacy.
Minus: test scores.</p>
<p>If you pulled off a great essay to show your passion, you will probably be ok. It also depends on your major. For example, Marshall (business) will only look at those who put Business as #1 choice. Their stats are higher. If they turn you down, the College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences will give your app a second look. About Legacies- they don't highly consider legacies but they have a program where they will help you transfer in second semester or second year if they don't take you initially.</p>