USC's more "holistic" admittance system

<p>Does USC have more holistic admissions than say, the UC system and other private colleges? I'm wondering because I was rejected from most of these colleges and want to know if there's still a glimmer of hope left.</p>

<p>Is it possible to get into USC with:
- A below 3.00 GPA, but decent SAT's (2000+)
- No extraordinary EC's (not a superstar athlete/speech and debate champion/founder of volunteer organization/etc)</p>

<p>I'm hoping it's possible if you have a strong essay? Mine was about recently overcoming a personal disorder. I also sent my midyear grades, which have improved drastically (~2.5 HS average to a 3.75 weighted). </p>

<p>Basically, I tried to convey that I have a lot of potential. I wasn't able to fully apply myself during most of high school, but now I'm doing great and know I'm ready for college.</p>

<p>They acknowledge personal improvements, but they take unweighted grades and test scores as the top priority. Eveything else is considered before they make their judgments.</p>

<p>If you chose gerontology as a major, they'd probably take anyone...</p>

<p>oh really, they don't weight grades?
and also is gerentology really easy to get into?what about undeclared?</p>

<p>i myself put kinesology down as a major but gerentology is getting more popular these days. Old people are living longer</p>

<p>But they have like, what? 70 majors in gerontology?</p>

<p>Not to put it down at all, but it's one of those subjects that they like to see students have an interest in. It's one of the few schools that don't require any supplemental stuff.</p>

<p>When I toured the campus, our guide, after telling us of SCA, was so excited to show off the front of the Gerontology building (near construction or something?) and someone asked "What the heck is that? Why would you study that when you can do something cool in film?"</p>

Does USC have more holistic admissions than say, the UC system and other private colleges? I'm wondering because I was rejected from most of these colleges and want to know if there's still a glimmer of hope left.</p>

<p>Is it possible to get into USC with:
- A below 3.00 GPA, but decent SAT's (2000+)
- No extraordinary EC's (not a superstar athlete/speech and debate champion/founder of volunteer organization/etc)</p>

<p>I'm hoping it's possible if you have a strong essay? Mine was about recently overcoming a personal disorder. I also sent my midyear grades, which have improved drastically (~2.5 HS average to a 3.75 weighted).</p>

<p>Basically, I tried to convey that I have a lot of potential. I wasn't able to fully apply myself during most of high school, but now I'm doing great and know I'm ready for college.


<p>USC does have a significantly more holistic admissions system than UCLA or UCSD, but one would need fairly extraordinary circumstances to offset your GPA, and to be completely frank the SAT scores won't give you much of a boost. USC's average unweighted GPA is ~3.8 and average SAT is ~2050-2100. I don't mean to be a downer, but your chances are remote. Good luck nonetheless. If it doesn't work out, USC does accept a lot of transfers so if you do well at another 4-year university or community college you may be able to still get in.</p>

USC does have a significantly more holistic admissions system than UCLA or UCSD


I fully agree with the UCSD piece of the statement. San Diego has a well publicized "points" system. Not sure if how holistic LA's admissions are, supposedly much more so than SD.</p>

<p>I have noted repeatedly, both here and on other boards, that of all universities I follow, USC is the only one which has surprised me to date with the relative lack of predictability in their decisions from a purely stats point of view. </p>

<p>To the OP: a GPA under 3.0 and test scores over 2000 scream "lazy" or "special circumstances". Your message suggests the latter. I don't think anyone on this board can give you any good advice. It all depends on how you presented yourself, how you came across, etc. Hang tight, you will know one way or another in just over a week. Good luck!</p>