USF 7 Year Medical Program?? or attending UF or UM for pre-med??

<p>I'm a senior in high school and have been accepted to UF,UM,USF Honors, UCF Honors, and some colleges up North (bryn mawr, smith, cornell, columbia (mainly because my mother,father went there)) which I have decided are too expensive.</p>

<p>Does anyone know about USF's 7 year medical program? How good is USF School of Medicine and the program? Would it be better to attend that program or attend a first tier school such as UM or UF and try applying for other medical schools? Any advice would be appreciated. </p>

<p>If it helps, I'm asian and have good grades (4.4 weighted, 3.98 unweighted), good SAT, good extracurriculars etc...</p>

<p>Any experiences with USF Medical???</p>

<p>bump …please help.</p>

<p>dude you bumped a 1 MINUTE old thread… that deserves a LOL</p>

<p>If you have an option for a 7 year GUARANTEED program and you are certain you want to be a doctor, you can save a lot of time, energy & money you would otherwise spend on med school apps.</p>

<p>If you change your mind later, you may regret it</p>

<p>ALL UC schools are great! In fact, ALL medical schools must meet the same standards to retain their accreditation. Getting accepted in direct medical programs can be tougher than getting accepted to top tier schools. I have seen several kids who have acceptances at some top tier schools, however get rejected by BS/MD programs.</p>

<p>Ask how many students actually make it through the program to the medical school.</p>

<p>how do you know that you got accepted to UF already? I thought the result is Feb 13th?</p>

<p>Very suspect post.</p>

<p>First of all, it is February and admissions will no be released until March 31st, 5pm. No one is going to have admissions at all those 7 schools at this time.
Second of all, Cornell and Columbia are NOT just “some colleges up north”. Anyone accepted there would be a tad more enthusiastic.
Third, it would be a little too late to be asking about 7 year programs now, if you have already been admitted to some schools. You can not switch. You need to decide that at the time of your applications for college.
Fourth- Feel free to ask the question straight forward, even if you are just finishing your eighth grade.</p>