Using Accomodations When Planning to Apply for Nursing School

I have been diagnosed with ADD since I was little. I had accomodations for it in highschool and I’m starting community college classes but for now just doing my prereqs. Does anyone have experience of using ADD accomodations in college and then applying for nursing school? I’m worried it will negatively affect my application and if I am chosen or not since they want the strongest applicants.

Federal privacy (FERPA) laws should protect you as a student receiving accommodations. At my school (University of Arizona), disability status is not shared with anybody, except when needed to provide the accommodations (with student’s consent). You might still talk to somebody at your school’s Disability office just to confirm. I know the ACT testing company used to notify schools which students had taken their test with accommodations, but then they got sued and stopped. I hope that’s helpful.

I would try to work with an executive functions coach to set good study habits and organizational skills. This will be key to setting the base of your success.

Some students may qualify for extra time on tests or written assignments.
However, within the clinical nursing environment such as clinicals there often are not accommodations as patients lives depend on prompt attention.

My daughter used accommodations for ADHD (extra time) and transferred after one semester to a school to study nursing. She did not have to inform them in her application, per @eyezik’s post, but she did get accommodations in nursing school. She did an accelerated BSN/MSN program and had great grades all the way through. She is now a Family Nurse Practitioner doing primary care and loves her work.

Per @2plustrio’s post, she signed up for coaching at both schools and I urged her in her freshman year to get a tutor for any class in which she was having difficulty. She figured out over time how to manage and do her work and, as I said, did very well.