<p>Hey everyone!</p>
<p>I'm a senior in high school and I definitely plan on following the premed route once I'm in college. Now, I know it's seen as taboo to use AP credit to fulfill the science requirements, such as intro biology, for instance. But is it equally as hurtful to, say, use credit from the Calculus AB exam to pass out of the semester of calculus that med schools "strongly recommend" their applicants take? And what about using the English AP's to pass out of the common 6-credit composition component as well?</p>
<p>Thanks in advance!</p>
<p>...Or you can do both, get AP credit and just take a more upper level calc class in college. I used AP Calc. BC credit and took Calc III my freshman year.</p>
<p>Follow norcalguy's advice. AP credit <em>may</em> not be enough for some med schools, and it could hurt if you do not take some sort of upper-level course in college to prove your competence.</p>
<p>From what I understand from posts such as sakky's is that adcoms really don't take course rigor into account that much. It's based more on numbers...an A in basic calc is preferable to a B in "extreme" calc for example. Taking extremely rigorous courses could result in a lower GPA.</p>