Using NM $2000 travel stipend- how to apply

<p>My D is trying to apply her $2000 National Merit stipend to her UA in Spain trip this summer and she is getting
the run around. The prof leading the trip doesn’t know what to do. She has gone in person to the registrar and they don’t know as well as the study abroad office. She said she filled out something online, but I can’t find it and that was before spring break. Has anyone done this recently and know what she should be doing to get the money applied? She was told she’d be dropped from the trip if she doesn’t get it paid.</p>

<p>There is a link on myBama that you have to apply to have this money given to you. It’s not automatic. Maybe someone can chime in here. I would call the scholarship office to see if they can help. I think that’s who I talked to. We used it for son’s housing when he did research with his prof last summer. We paid his housing, then applied for the stipend, and got the refund later. You may have to pony up the 2K so she won’t get dropped, and then wait for a refund. Just like you have to pay part of the tuition for registration and then wait for your refund.</p>

<p>It is on the My Bama site - Academics Tab, Scholarships section (Current Scholarship Recipients), Stipend Allowance Request.</p>

<p>If this is the students second semester on campus, then the Stipend request is not reviewed until AFTER Spring grades are released.</p>

<p>DS is doing a May term Study Abroad. He had to pay in full. If his Stipend is granted, then it will be credited to his account and returned to him as an overpayment.</p>

<p>My daughter did fill out that request on My Bama. This is her 4th semester on campus. I will probably pay it and then wait for the refund so she doesn’t lose her spot.</p>

<p>When my son used his, he just contacted the person in charge of Scholarships (now that is Amber Capell) and the money was released. </p>