Using same essay topic as my sister did?

<p>So three years ago when my sister applied to college, she used an essay topic about an experience in our church's youth group program; the experience was giving Christmas gifts to the needy. I also did that same exact program a couple years later, and ended up also doing the same deed. I want to write about that experience, as there is so much meaningful stuff to derive from it, but it will be kind of copying her essay. I'm obviously not going to copy + paste it, and I'm obviously going to write about it in my own words in the way that I personally experienced, but is there any way possible that this could be seen as copying her essay? I really want to write about this subject, but I'm just iffy because i don't want to "copy" her topic.</p>

<p>Well, I don’t see why not. It should be fine as long as you don’t copy and paste but why not try something new and innovative? Don’t bore them with the same essay topics over and over. But again, it’s all up to you really…</p>