Using VT VPN

<p>VT says that you can use their server to download software from their server by using VPN when you're not on campus. I wanted to use this to upgrade the computer I buy from Windows 7 home to Windows 7 Enterprise. They say you can do that but I have followed all the directions and haven't been able to connect. Anybody tried this and have success?</p>

<p>There are several reasons why it might not be working.</p>

<li><p>You have to be registered with the Virginia Tech Wireless Service. You will get an e-mail to do this or they can do it for you at orientation in July.</p></li>
<li><p>VPN uses a different password than the one you set for your PID. You have to log into MyVT and make it something else.</p></li>
<li><p>You entered the server address wrong.</p></li>

<p>Check all of those above things. If you haven’t registered with VT Wireless, you won’t be able to connect.</p>

<p>I believe I registered for the wireless but it was kind of confusing so its entirely possible I did the wrong thing. I might just wait until orientation when I get it with the software bundle instead.</p>