USNA class of 2011

<p>Hey, so who are the USNA Class of 2011 prospectives out there?!</p>


<p>Oh, I figure this would be a better thing. ( Stole it off the Class of 2010 thread. )
name: Logan
hometown: Atlanta, GA
grade: Junior
interests: swimming, running, lifeguarding, music, physics, hanging out, now golf
plan for career after graduating USNA: JAG Corps
service selection choice/plan: Navy
plan for major at USNA: Polisci with an emphasis on International Affairs and a minor in Russian</p>

<p>are you going to NAPS?</p>

<p>Hello, everyone, my name's David, I live in Williamston, MI. I'm a Junior. I run Varsity XC and Varsity Track, and swam one year (didn't like it too much). My goal is to eventually become a member of the blue angels. But first I'd join the Navy and fly for them after graduation. CAN'T WAIT for summer seminar. Peace</p>


Virginia Beach, VA </p>

<p>Looking forward to NASS!</p>

Born and Bred: Jersey
Town: N Caldwell (home of the Sopranos)
Grade: 11
Service: Navy
Major: English/Pol Sci/History
Minor: Arabic
Sports: XC, Swim, Lax
Interests: music, guitar, film
Work: at the Country Club
AIM: rockorblowup (IM me)</p>

Guaynabo, Puerto Rico
Grade- 11
Service- Marine Corps
Major- Poli Sci
Minor- German seems nice.
Sports- Soccer, Golf, Swimming
Interests- Soccer, Film, Bass/Music, Military (no duh), and Skateboarding...although I've been doing less and less.
Work- Had summer job packing batman bookbags and Fantastic Four pencil cases into boxes.</p>

<p>AIM- DrunknMunkysk8PR
MSN/email- <a href=""></a></p>

<p>stoked for NASS...have to get in first.</p>