USNA vs. Regular College

<p>I'm having some problems decide which route I want to take in my life. I'm a high school Junior and have been interested in the Naval Academy since freshman year. I feel that along with the top notch education, it's also a chance to breakout for adventure and excitement. Then I think of a civilian college, a chance to really try things out in life, and enjoy myself at the same time. My parents are dead-set against a service academy, and they say to "get the thought out of your head." I guess you could say I need some 'guidance,' since both parents and students on this board have been through similar situations and problems. (I'm guessing). Any advice would be much appreciated. </p>


<p>If you are interested try for admittance and then try the insitution....if not transfer as you have that option.</p>

<p>Read "Absolutely American" by David Lipsky. He's a Rolling Stone reporter who followed a class through West Point for four years. His conclusion - that West Point cadets are the happiest college students he's ever met. I'm sure that his observations and conclusions would apply to USNA. If you like the book and it helps point you to USNA, then ask your parents to read it, and also to accompany you on a visit to Annapolis. Heck, you might decide to take a look at West Point too.</p>

<p>This is from a formerly reluctant mom. If your parents are dead set against it, then they likely do not know enough about it. Depending on where you live, there will be informational presentations from Admissions that you can attend with your parents. You can also find out who from Admissions you would work with locally. They can help you find out about the presentations. </p>

<p>Ultimately it will be your choice. However the more your parents know, the more supportive they will (may) be. If you are up against a brick wall, you may want to look at ROTC programs also. As a matter of fact, if you are convinced that a Naval career is for you, you will want to look at strong ROTC programs as outstanding back up schools.</p>

<p>And I agree with oib. As long as you live in NY, plan a visit to WP as well as USCGA and USMMA. The more you know about different service academies the better armed (no pun intended) you will be.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>Maybe I need to educate them more about the finer points of USNA.</p>

<p>I'm a rising senior and I'm applying for USNA. At first my parents did not think I'd go through with it all. My father let me go to the Summer Seminar (after me winning a bet), thinking that I wouldn't like it. I loved it. I finally talked my dear mother into the greatness of the academy. She approves now. :) My father is still bent on Emory or Tech. Eh...</p>

<p>I agree with what you say about reading "Absolutely American", I am in the process of reading it now and it has only furthered my idea of wanting to go to USNA, kind of ironic seeing as how it's about West Point but meh I've always wanted Navy more. To CCR712 you could always just explore the option of USNA through Summer Seminar, which I had attended this year which I greatly enjoyed, and afterwards have a talk with you parents and tell them that they should support your decision whatever it may be</p>