<p>Your Projections....?</p>
<p>From what I have seen, our stats are much better than Emory's for 2013, and I can only assume we will top Notre Dame. Has anyone else researched the 2013 stats for top-20 schools?</p>
<p>Your Projections....?</p>
<p>From what I have seen, our stats are much better than Emory's for 2013, and I can only assume we will top Notre Dame. Has anyone else researched the 2013 stats for top-20 schools?</p>
<p>I’m thinking 20.</p>
<p>You really think Emory will pull ahead considering the numerical superiority of our incoming class on top of all the other good things Vanderbilt has had going for it this year? The only thing Notre Dame has is Obama for their Commencement.</p>
<p>Well, it’s more the fact that nobody here really cares to be honest. Is 20 not good?</p>
<p>20 is good. </p>
<p>its just last year vandy tied for 18. so going to 20 would actually be a demotion. with the numbers they just released, i would be very surprised to see a decrease in rankings.</p>
<p>I would surprised if Vandy doesn’t go up in rankings. It’s definitely going to beat Emory.</p>
<p>But then again, this year’s rankings are going to be based off of the 2008 admissions results.</p>
<p>Even still 2008 had the 30% rise in admissions rates with the opening of the commons, that should raise peer evaluations significantly. We will definitely do better.</p>
<p>Emory had nothing near that for their 2012 statistics. Notre Dame probably didn’t either.</p>
<p>I’m personally waiting for Brown to get demoted further, definitely the worst ivy. </p>
<p>Also given Harvards 25% loss of their endowment, I’d definitely say they get beaten off their perch to number 2 or 3.</p>
<p>This year’s statistics will have zero effect on the next USNews rankings. The data used for this fall’s publication is from last fall’s entering class. It has to be that way, because the SAT data is for ENROLLED students, not admitted. Schools don’t know who actually shows up until the end of the summer, and that is waaaay too late for a fall publication.</p>
<p>There is always a year lag. Sorry, but that is the case.</p>