UT Austin Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

@Swammom Thanks for the clarification.

Also, Congratulations to your daughter and all the best!

@Swammom - are you able to clarify the contents of the Class Rank letter? My son submitted his application and his transcript reflects that he is in the Top 6%, but on the MyStatus page, it still asked him to submit a Class Rank letter without providing much information. Is this something that your daughters school sent? Thanks for your help and congrats again!

Where do you see the Class Rank on the UT portal? My son is a homeschooler so I’m curious what class rank he was assigned.

@UTLife223 My daughter requested to have a class rank letter submitted by her counselor (the same process as requesting a transcript or letter of recommendation) Her counselor said she just resubmitted the transcript, which had her class rank on it. @ChillyCow On her portal it showed that she had submitted her class rank letter, but it did not show her class rank. I hope this helps (:

@Swammom , I checked and it just says “The high school you attend does not rank.” I’m pretty sure I’ve read where they will assign a rank based on things like GPA/Test Scores but I’m guessing they don’t publish that on the portal. TAMU assigns the rank and you can see where they put the student. I like that transparency better than it being an unknown.

Hi all! My D’21 is very excited to get her application in soon! (so is mom!) She is auto-admit, ranked 26/573. First choice major is mathematics with hopes of doing UTeach as well! she will be submitting her SAT score of 1340, unless she is able to retake and get higher. Just wondering if anyone knew about competitiveness for math major in auto admit? Thank you! very excited for the next few months!! hook em!

oh goodness - forgot her gpa, important! her weighted is a 4.313

Hi! My D21 is an auto-admit applying to the school of nursing! She is ranked 24/573, has an ACT of 31 (retaking to try and get a higher score), and has a GPA of 4.3457. She got into a hospital volunteering program over the summer, but it was canceled due to the coronavirus, so she is very concerned for her lack of hospital volunteering. If anyone has any helpful information or advice for her please let us know! Thank y’all!

Hi ki2003!

So most of this relates to the School of Nursing but wanted to comment on those waiting for an auto admit response. My daughter was auto admit in her class, had her application and all necessary documents in to UT in early September and wasn’t notified of her auto admit status until the middle of October. I don’t know why some people hear back in two weeks and others up to six weeks later. She was admitted to her major on January 18th.

I apologize for the long response. There is little to no information out there on UT’s nursing program so I wanted to share what we learned. My daughter is a sophomore in the school of nursing. I don’t know if your daughter had the chance to attend a nursing admission session bc of Covid. They said the biggest factor they look at for admission is an applicant who has shown a high proficiency in the sciences. They want to see applicants who took science courses every year in high school and qualified for the highest level of courses that were offered. Lots of other prospective students asked if their hospital volunteering experience would help with admission and the answer was yes, but only if they were high performing students across all subjects but especially in the sciences. She needs to have at least one of her science teachers submit a recommendation for her.

There are other factors that are out of her control. Under represented groups in the nursing profession do have an advantage (men) as well as groups that currently reflect the demographic of Texas and the people these nurses will serve. Those applicants still have to be at the top of their classes and perform well in their science courses but these factors are considered when looking at the applicant as a whole. My daughter’s class is very diverse with several guys in the mix too. She says everyone is very smart, driven, and dedicated to a career in nursing.

UT’s nursing program is amazing. Their entering classes are small. My daughter’s class had 90 students who accepted their offers of admission. Their advisers are wonderful and help them get into the classes they need, especially freshman year. There is little room for electives and their courses have to be taken in an exact sequence so they go above and beyond to make sure their students get into those super full lower level science classes.

Good luck to your daughter and everyone else going through the process!
Hook 'em!

Thank you so much oldhorn for that helpful info! If you want to share, I would love to know your daughters stats and if she got in as a freshman or if she applied again later. Thank you!

Sure, 33 ACT, 2/99, 4.4?, leadership positions, volunteer hours, hospital internship, took extra AP science classes. UT is a freshman entry nursing program so she was admitted her freshman year. There are a few spots for transfers every year but I think it’s much harder to transfer in. TCU is the only other freshman entry nursing program in the state, that I’m aware of.

Hi, ki2003!

My daughter is currently a sophomore at UT and was auto admit (Top 4% in her class, 31/640, 1360 SAT) had her application and all necessary documents in to UT by beginning of October, and was notified of her auto admit status online within just a few weeks. Her formal acceptance packet she received by mail was postmarked 11/2/18. She did not find out she was admitted to the “Nursing Guarantee” program until January 25th, 2019.

There is not a lot of info online about the Nursing Guarantee program, as it is still relatively new (within the last 2-3 years, I think.) I believe my daughter will be part of the second graduating class from this program. Essentially, you enter the program by being admitted to the College of Natural Sciences. After successful completion of certain coursework your first three semesters, you then enter the School of Nursing the spring semester of your sophomore year. I think only somewhere around 30-40 students are admitted to the Nursing Guarantee program as entering freshman. Although my daughter was a well-rounded candidate (strong academic record, strong extra-curriculars, played a Varsity sport, had leadership roles, etc.), I think her not taking AP Bio and AP Chem in high school may have prevented her from being directly admitted to SON.

I also think the Nursing Guarantee program is a way to allow the school to have both fall and spring graduating cohorts. My daughter had to agree to add an extra semester to her graduation plan, so she will graduate in 4 1/2 years, instead of 4. She’ll graduate in December 2023, instead of May 2023. I believe having fall and spring nursing cohorts allows the school to address certain equipment and space restrictions for the upper-level classes (i.e., it may not be feasible to have a large number of students in a particular upper division nursing class or in a SIM lab.) Because my daughter entered UT with credits earned through AP and Dual Credit courses from high school, she was able to take only 12 hours the first semester of her freshman year, and she has been able to work in taking classes for a UT Business of Healthcare certificate, awarded through McCombs School of Business.

My daughter’s UT Advisor has been great, and my daughter benefited from being in a FIG (another requirement of the program) comprised of other Nursing Guarantee students her freshman year. She has had a very positive experience so far.

Best of luck to your future nurse! Hook 'Em!

I can only hear crickets on this thread. Has anyone else gotten admitted? Do tell!

OYE VEY! Silence from UT here too!

This is very interesting that the UT thread is super quite as apposed to the Texas A&M…where there is tons of parents/students responding. Does that say something about the schools and the different personalities that apply to UT and to TAMU?

Give me your thoughts!

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@aggrad91 , yes, I totally hear ya! The UT thread always seems lacking in participation compared to TAMU which drives me crazy (this is my second rodeo). I do think it reflects the personalities of the schools. Even once kids are accepted, the Facebook Aggie parents pages are so vivacious and supportive and even allow for parents to join before their student commits to TAMU so they can get questions answered. No such thing exists for UT potential or admitted parents that I could find (and believe me, I’ve tried!) It leaves me feeling like UT is very cold and removed while TAMU is warm and fuzzy. It reflects the feel of the campuses too when I walk around on them. I have found UT to be very indifferent and introverted while TAMU is very friendly and happy. Perhaps it is the difference between Urban/Suburban schools and that is why people say they are two completely different feeling schools. I definitely have a better feeling as a mom for my son to go to TAMU but he wants to go to UT if he gets in. It will take all kinds of fortitude on my part to let him make his own decision and go to UT (if he gets in) but I know I will need to let him make his own choice! These are, of course, just my own observations and opinions based on my D19 and now my S21. If others have a different take on this, please chime in!

I submitted my application through ApplyTexas on Sept 30th. My MyStatus page under Admission it says my application is incomplete because my counselor hasn’t sent in my transcripts yet. Will they not be able to review my application or see that I have submitted it until my counselor submits my transcripts?

@ChillyCow , @aggrad91 , I find the UT board much more quieter this time compared to when my older one applied back in 2016. I can’t compare with TAMU board since I didn’t follow it as much last time since he was set into UT and was not interested in any other school in Texas. The UT thread was super active back then.

We found the other way around when we did the campus tour back in 2015. UT was much more social compared to TAMU, maybe it could have been a one time experience :). He graduated from McCombs and is doing his Masters at UT as well, thoroughly enjoyed it. My younger son got inTAMU engineering, will be applying for business at UT (very hard to get into Comp sci at UT) and if he gets in, it will be hard for him to make a decision. Both are great schools, but certain programs at UT are hard to pass on when compared to TAMU. Just wanted to share my experience :).

@gmdtexas thank you that was very insightful! do you mind sharing her stats/extracurriculars because I think the nursing guarantee program could be a real possibility for my daughter. thanks!

When do admissions start getting released for UT? I think maybe that’s why this blog is slower since no one has any news?

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