UT Austin Class of 2027 Official Thread

Bad Data on RIS does not necessarily mean rejection or CAP, exactly an hour before the portal was updated for my DS on Mon Jan 30th RIS was still showing the bad data error and then around 5 pm CST portal said accepted to Informatics and RIS was updated. Just saying do not rely on RIS for any kind of sign that you are accepted/CAP’ed or rejected.


Thank you. Will
we will do the same.

My daughters portal had the “bad data” all along and she got accepted into her major, so the RIS doesn’t mean a thing.


Same. We saw Bad Data 1/30 morning so we didn’t expect anything. Checked around 5:45 and we saw “Congratulations DD, You’re Admitted to the…” on the top of the portal. We didn’t expect it (non-auto, no test score) so very pleasantly surprised.


Is it possible to send an update letter to UT if your application is still being considered?

So…Just out of curiosity, housing and cost of living seem to be big issues at UT. What advice do you all have to offer concerning actually being able to afford to send my accepted DS there? It’s a great school, but with little institutional merit aid for the masses, it seems like a reach. DS was accepted into his selective major, great numbers, great GPA, valedictorian…but feels like UT will not be likely to invest in him. If there were any scholarship offers when and how would we learn of them? Super discouraged right now.

File FAFSA. In-state or OOS?

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In-state; will not qualify for need-based. Was really hoping for merit aid to offset the cost.

FAFSA filed in October.

For public high school tuition can be waived for valedictorian in public colleges including UT. If FAFSA filed, student will get something unless family earned 120K+ a year.

Yeah, he had worked with that in mind. That is tuition only for one year only, though.

will deferred honors decisions come out march 1st, or has it came out earlier in past ? was speaking to a student in deans, he got deferred and then received a decision near mid february instead of march 1st, but that was a couple years ago so unsure if anybody knows the trends

Can you appeal for McCombs?

Yes… we did that with my older son in 2020 and he got in after the appeal. The chances of a successful appeal are very slim. If you have new information that you think was not included in your original app that would tip the scale, then include that and hope for the best.


Okay thank you.

Also can you transfer into McCombs if you do CAP?

Not directly, CAP students can only transfer into Liberal Arts

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Only LIberal arts is guaranteed (there might be some restrictions on Econ - best to call the admissions office and department - I have heard mixed views). Transfer to Mccombs is possible after CAP - You will be in the same pool with all other transfer applicants

My D is in a similar situation. UT did not consider her for both the first and second choices. Being an auto-admit, they offered her COLA. Do you think appealing to change the major to her second choice - COFA - might be better? (or) Should she stick with the first choice major of Business? Based on your experience, can you share your thoughts on how to frame the appeal - a few do’s, and don’ts will be helpful. Thanks.


In general, the appeal should have NEW information that will tip the scale (any awards, accomplishments after 11th grade). Did they give you ECON (similar to business especially if they are interested in Finance or Accounting). The Econ department has a BEOP option (check it out). When we appealed for my son (2020), he was capped (not auto admit), so we just decided to ask for his first choice major (Mccombs). He did not care for second choice (probably Econ) because he would have then picked his other two choices where he had gotten some scholarships