<p>Should I go to UT austin or stay at UTSA for pre-med?
I am currently a cap student at UTSA trying to get into medical school. I know that if i stay at UTSA i can maintain a high GPA and i heard that medical schools do not care too much about where you went for undergrad but I feel that UT austin will better prepare me though I dont know how well I will be able to do there. </p>
<p>Can anybody give me advice on which path would be better?</p>
<p>and does anyone have an idea of how much harder UT austin is compared to UTSA?</p>
<p>I am only a freshmen at the moment so ive only taken up to chem 2 and bio 2, for now i am a bio major and one reason i think UT will prepare me better is because it is a very prestigious school.</p>
<p>You should look at number of people going from UTSA and UT to Texas medical schools to figure out where you have a better chance. </p>
<p>Lot of people go from UT but I am sure there are a bunch not getting in either because the competition is fierce. If you are at the top of your UTSA class but will be somewhere in top 20-30% at UT, is it a good idea? </p>
<p>If you can get a 4.0 at UTSA but 3.5 in UT, then you are better off at UTSA. OTOH, if you can get 3.9 at UT, then by all means go to UT.</p>
<p>You need to read the cc threads on medical school. Texaspg is right, a 4.0 at UTSA beats a 3.5 at UT. It comes down to grades and mcat scores. You might actually do better at UTSA because of the increasing ties with the medical school, especially in engineering (in terms of developing contacts and interests in medicine). Don’t assume that UT will do a better job of preparing you. Given how many classes are graded on a curve, think about it in terms of competition–there will be a lot more at UT.</p>
<p>Respectable enough for what? It won’t keep you from getting into med school and after that, no one cares where you did you’re undergraduate degree. If you’re asking if a UT and UTSA student had the same stats and were applying who would they take, you might say UT. But if all the UT student did was get grades and study for the mcat while the UTSA student got involved in research, they would probably take the UTSA student. And given the competition at UT, the UTSA student is more likely to have the time to pursue other opportunities. Prestige isn’t going to get you into med school, grades and mcat scores will. Go read the pre-med threads. The consensus is go where you can get the highest gpa for the lowest cost. If you’re already at UTSA, it doesn’t make sense to go to UT just to get into med school.</p>