<p>Pros on UT: </p>
<li>CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP! Range of 12-15k a year to attend (ALL fees not just tuition)! </li>
<li>I’d go to the best UT has to offer, McCombs Business School (Top 7 in the nation) very selective about 20% acceptance rate</li>
<li>Great college life, I heard it’s quite chill with a large fun campus</li>
<li>business degree is a good safety net. It’ll keep food on the table as long as I keep working hard. </li>
<p>Cons on UT:</p>
<li>Business was never my passion, especially compared to IR. But I picked it because poly-sci/IR at UT sucks and business is beast-mode there. Plus, I ultimately want a J.D. in law. A business degree is a nice complement to a law degree.</li>
<li>I actually dislike Texas very much and would prefer to get out asap. </li>
<li>I’ll be surrounded by family for the next FOUR years. no wayyy I like my space!</li>
<li>bleh! such HOT weather! D: I’ll fry faster than bacon over there. (I hate heat, love cold)</li>
<p>Pros on AU:
- One of the top schools (SIS is typically top 10 or higher) for my dream major (IR)
- IR would be a great complement to a law degree too I think.
- Also in one of the greatest locations for an IR kid (D.C.!!
only thing better might be new york city)
- I’m also in the honors program. Global Scholars? I… don’t know. likely not though.
- Affordable but not cheap
- I can go awayyyyyy from here :D</p>
<p>Cons on AU:
- affordable? yeah unless huge inflation or something screws me over. I got presidential scholarship and good grants, est. aide for 2011-2010 is 31k (not including any loans)
- distance could be a hassle since I’m sooo. farr… away…
- I don’t know much about AU student life since I’ve never met an AU kid or alumni
- 90 acres??? D: I’ve NEVER been to a campus smaller than like, 150! UT’s is like 400!! How big is 90 acres??</p>
<p>I’m LOST between these two! Any help?? :(</p>