UT College of Natural Sciences Honors?

Hello all,

I was accepted into UT’s College of Natural Sciences back in December and since then some of my friends have gotten into the BHP and EHP there, and some even got full rides. However, I haven’t heard of a single person who’s received honors to the College of Natural Sciences. I was wondering if there was a backup at the CNS or if my school just didn’t get any acceptances there. Anybody get accepted or anybody know of someone whose been accepted to CNS honors??

Thank You

No. We are waiting on that too.

Someone got in here: http://talk.qa.collegeconfidential.com/university-texas-austin/1950853-ut-austin-deans-scholars-fall-2017-admission-p2.html

One of my good friends just got into CNS honors for biochemistry.

My brother - Health Science Scholar in CNS honors.

@juliettex Congratulations to your brother. Did he get an email or postal mail. Did his portal change to reflect the Honors?

I was accepted today to Health Science Scholars! I got an email about it. To those who haven’t heard yet, I emailed the CNS honors a few days ago, and they said they are still releasing notifications until mid-March.

@astroglitter congratulations on your acceptance to HSS. Did they offer any scholarship. Lot of engineering students got scholarships along with their Honors notification

@AllenTx15 thanks :slight_smile: I don’t think I got one, as the email did not mention a scholarship. In general, I don’t know if CNS does give out scholarships w/ their honors offers like engineering sometimes does.

@astroglitter . Yes that’s true. CNS does not give as many as engineering. May be you will receive the scholarship notification in regular mail. Good Luck. What Major are you in CNS. My son says he still has in review. He was accepted for Neuroscience. Hope we hear soon.

@AllenTx15 thanks again :slight_smile: I was accepted for Biology. Good luck to your son, hope he gets in!!