UT CS or Math

I’m an Asian male, TX resident. I’m in top 6% for GPA but my school doesn’t rank, so I won’t be in auto-admission. My profile is a strong math candidate (strong GPA, SAT, some competition, reasonable sports and leadership, outstanding research). I never did any CS specific things, not even CS AP. I’d like to graduate from UT with both CS and Math degrees, or if only can be one, then CS. Should I:

  1. apply to both CS and math majors
  2. apply to CS
  3. apply to math, then what do I do? What is my chance to be a Dean’s Scholar? Can a Dean’s Scholar take CS courses freely and graduate with both CS and math majors?
    I haven’t pursued CS so far, because I thought it’s too competitive for Asian male. I was going to avoid pursuing that path. But when this application season started, I realized my first passion is CS, then 2nd session is math.
    Appreciate you help me sorting this out!

For public schools it is required by law to rank top 10%. And only a few private schools really don’t rank students, most private schools still show GPA cut off to help students gaining auto-admit. So it is utmost important for you to make sure UT admission portal Mystatus get your the auto-admit status, because if non-auto, chances almost zero in both majors.

CS is very competitive, some still got rejected at top 3%. Top 1% with very high scores are needed to be safe. Some say it is easier to get into Ivies than UT CS. For Math, which Math major? Actuarial or regular Math?

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