UT Dorm Selection Process

My son was accepted this past weekend and was wondering if anybody knows how the dorm selection process works at UT (Knox)? Every school seems to have their own process on how to “get in that line”.

This is what I found out yesterday

First you have to do the enrollment deposit. Then they will email you a link for the housing contract. There is no separate housing deposit. Apply for housing as soon as you receive the email (Fill out housing contract). You DO NOT Pick a dorm/room at this point and you are not assigned a dorm. This puts you in line to pick a dorm. The sooner you get it done the higher up in line you are to pick a dorm. then starting in April/May you will receive an email with a specific date and time where you pick your dorm and room. This date and time is based on how soon you got the housing contract signed.

If he/she does not attend. Decline regular admission and then email housing stating that you declined admission. There is no penalty.

Hello, thanks for info. One follow up: is the enrollment deposit refundable?

Ignore my post, I found out the deposit is $250 and is NOT refundable.

I strongly suggest an LLC. Once your son is eligible to sign up for housing (based on date of enrollment deposit I believe), he would then only get to choose a room in his LLC. My son was in the Venture LLC in Clement. Great program! I believe that they change the LLC dorm’s periodically or even yearly (they are spread out over different dorms, but a couple were in Clement).

On this same subject… I recall my daughter checking something when applying stating that you agree not to do multiple deposits to different schools under risk of the offer for admission being rescinded… Basically what I suspect will happen with my daughter is that she will be admitted to UTK (her 2nd choice) and be waiting a few extra months to hear from her first choice school which is a reach. So it’s likely she will attend UTK thus it would be great for her to go ahead and send in her enrollment deposit earlier for housing purposes. So if she does that and then finds out in two more months for example that she gets into the other school… could she then decline enrollment at UTK… (losing the deposit) and then enroll in the other school? I know people do it but I wonder if that’s really beginning to be a trend and thus that is why they are trying to prevent people from doing it. Also if she ends up waiting to Feb or so to put down an enrollment deposit and get the housing contract going, how “behind” would that be for decent housing options as a freshman?

Because all colleges have different notification dates, I think parents and students are put in a tough spot on putting the deposit down if dorm selection priority is important to them. That $250 is a small amount in the big picture of the next four years of education cost. Kids change their minds after second and third visits sometimes.

any feedback on the different dorm options for freshman …maybe particularly for girls who may be interested in rushing? Its hard to parse all the info on the website. I know my daughter isn’t sure she’s attending yet but needs to learn where she’d like to live if she does. She received some advice on a different school tour to live in a community style dorm as a first year in order to meet more people. It looked as if they have some new residence halls as well. We toured Brown on the tour which of course seemed nice as well.


My son wants to do the Engineering LLC, but you can’t apply until February for it. In the meantime, he is getting emails from other freshman looking for roommates. How competitive is it to be accepted into the LLC dorm? Just want to make sure he has a backup plan if he is not selected.


LLC is “Living Learning Community”.

It is basically a grouping of students with common interests. Those interests can be academic or social.

Every LLC is assigned to a specific dorm.


@HappyNJ Thank you!