Ut Honors

<p>What is the best UT Honors program? How does it compare to other honors programs for state schools? Is Plan II really good?</p>

<p>I apologize because this has nothing to do with your questions, but I am forever amazed that the honors degree track at one of the best public universities in the nation chose to call itself: University of Texas Plan II.
And that's even what the degrees read.
Of course, "UT-Vince Young Plan" wouldn't have sounded too good, either, I guess.</p>

<p>Plan II is the best, followed by the Business Honors Program and probably the Engineering Honors after that.</p>

<p>Really? Plan II?
I've always thought Business Honors was much better.</p>

<p>Well I guess it depends on what you're going for post-grad, but Plan II is definitely more selective and has an easier time catapulting students into top grad programs.</p>

<p>Isn't Engineering Honors more selective?</p>

<p>If you go to the Plan II website, it says it accepts about 1/3 of its applicants.
Engineering Honors says they have about a 10% acceptance rate.
And some people I know in Business Honors say that they have about a 20% acceptance rate.
I'm not sure about that one, but I'm pretty sure Engineering Honors is a lot more selective.</p>

<p>Engineering Honors' site says it accepts up to 10% of incoming engineering students, or ~200-250 students from a general engineering applicant pool, while Plan II accepts about the same number of students from a self-selecting applicant pool of the top students from throughout the state.</p>

<p>Looking at the admitted students' SAT scores from each of these programs, though, each has average scores sitting in the mid-to-high 1400 range. The major point, then, is that each of these programs is comparable and excellent in their own fields. I perhaps might hold some bias towards Plan II and BHP since those are the programs I'm interested in.</p>

<p>I'd say if you want to get into high-level business, BHP is the way to go; looking at grad-school, look no further than Plan II, and getting into an awesome engineering career, you can't go wrong with Eng. Honors.</p>

<p>And to answer the OP's question, UT's honors programs are some of the best you can get from a state school, and outshine most private schools' degrees as well.</p>

<p>I'm a student in the Dean's Scholars program and know kids in all of the honors programs here. As far as prestige and success of graduates the best is Plan II, with BHP coming close in second. Next is definitly Dean's Scholars , which draws a ton of bright kids from out of state and actually has a community unlike Eng. Honors. Next would be Engineering honors and Liberal arts honors after that. Engineering honors really isn't that big of a deal.</p>

<p>That being said, you should really apply only to the honors programs that suit you. Most people, no matter what major, can find P2 to work for them, but for the others, for instance engr. honors, you should really want to be an engineer.</p>

<p>i thought the 1/3 admittance rate was for plan I?</p>

<p>do plan 2 grads have an easier time going to like a harvard grad school than a cornell grad?</p>


<p>Difficult to say. Very difficult to say. I would guess no.</p>

<p>Dunno about Eng. Honors. BHP is highly regarded at my school - average SAT is like a 1450 if I remember correctly. That's damn good.</p>

<p>there is eng honors - not interested</p>

<p>bump bu,mp</p>