UT McCombs v. Mays Honors v. UTD full ride and stipend

<p>I guess the title says it all. My son has been admitted to these state schools and, thus far, has received an extremely generous scholarship from UTD, $4000 per year from A&M and nothing yet from UT. We won't know anything from private schools to whom he has applied until April (SMU, Tufts, Duke, Vanderbilt and a couple of others). All three are recruiting heavily via phone calls, letters, emails, invitations, etc.</p>

<p>Does anyone have an initial impression? thoughts?</p>

<p>He will also have 60-70 transfer hours as he attends an early college high school (this won't be available with private schools).</p>

<p>I'm an Aggie - class of '85; his dad graduated from tu :-/ </p>

<p>V. tired of seeing Bevo in the mailbox!</p>


<p>We know students from our OOS HS at all but Tufts. With the exception of UT, they’re all conservative leaning schools. Regarding UTD it isn’t the same caliber of school as the others - we also got a full ride offered (without even applying), we didn’t even give it a second thought. The student who chose to attend there I would say is mediocre compared to the others at your listed schools who were excellent students. All the other schools are ‘name brand’ schools, something to consider when thinking about job prospects- they do have higher success rates- BHP has 100% job placement. I would say you have some great choices, I would suggest a visit to see where your son feels most comfortable - if he picked the other schools on the list by himself, my guess is he’ll want to be an Aggie rather than a Longhorn. One of mine is in BHP, he loves it and picked it over two of the schools on your list above although he had friends at both of those schools. At this point, it will be a personal fit decision versus anything else. Good luck and congratulations on the acceptances so far!</p>

<p>Thanks so much for your comments. I agree that UTD just doesn’t compare . . .</p>

<p>I would advise that A&M most likely will raise their offer in the few months. You could also try calling and asking about offer matching. I don’t know if they match UTD but its worth a try. </p>

<p>Debbie - thank you for your suggestion. I wasn’t sure if it would be appropriate to ask about matching the UTD offer or not but I think I will at least call. The Dean has called my son a couple of times and left messages encouraging him to call with any questions.</p>

<p>Simply put, I would choose McCombs. I’m biased because I go there, but McCombs has the better resources in regards to studying business. </p>

<p>Don’t get me wrong, A&M is a good school, I just think from a BUSINESS perspective McCombs wins, even though you’re receiving a solid scholarship and going to Mays honors program. If we were talking about pre-med or engineering, it would be a completely different story.</p>

<p>To put this into perspective, since we’re talking b-school, there are threads here debating whether a kid should go to Stern or McCombs, and even Wharton or Mccombs. Never have I seen a debate between Mays and those schools.</p>

<p>Just my two-cents.</p>

<p>Of course, if he’s not happy in Austin, and he really does love college station, I would say go to A&M as long as he wants to work in Texas.</p>




<p>Wow… how condescending of you. </p>

<p>Is UT Austin better than UT Dallas? Definitely.
Is A&M better than UT Dallas? Definitely.</p>

<p>UTD is much newer and has much much less resource than it older siblings. Yet it still has the highest average SAT for state public schools. The 75% percentile is:</p>

<p>UT Dallas - 680/710
UT Austin - 670/710
Texas A&M - 640/670
(from <a href=“http://collegeapps.about.com”>http://collegeapps.about.com</a>)</p>

<p>Texas A&M–136 merit scholars, 113 with school funding
UT Dallas–63 merit scholars, 56 with school funding
UT Austin–57 merit scholars, none with school funding </p>

<p>(from <a href=“http://publicuniversityhonors.com/2013/04/20/best-major-universities-for-national-merit-scholarship-funding”>http://publicuniversityhonors.com/2013/04/20/best-major-universities-for-national-merit-scholarship-funding&lt;/a&gt;)</p>

<p>So yeh. UT Austin is much better. And I’m not here to argue that, but to call the students who choose UTD mediocre is quite obnoxious.</p>

<p>Disclaimer: Accepted to all 3. </p>

<p>I didn’t say ALL students were mediocre, I said THE student in OUR high school that chose to attend there I would say is mediocre, the OTHER students from OUR high school were excellent – and I was not referring to just UT and TAMU - also Vanderbilt, Duke, & SMU. The UT Dallas student was the only one who did not graduate with honors of the group. I’m sure there are plenty of great students everywhere, but I was referring to the OOS students who elected to go to these colleges from our HS. I will say this, from OOS UT Dallas is not well known, so opinions are formed by who you know that goes there, as I stated we didn’t even bother to research the school. Sorry if I offended you, but I was just stating an opinion based only on who went where and what kind of students they were at OUR HS. </p>


<p>BRAVO!!! I applaud your response. </p>

<p>Every young person and every family make their choices based on their own individual desires and resources… To pass a “mediocre” judgement on any is shallow and short sighted.</p>

<p>Disclaimer: Mom to 7…1 Tulane Graduate, 1 University of Tennessee Graduate, 1 East Tennessee State University Graduate (at the age of 20), 1 UT McCombs student, 2 Class of 2018 Aggies (Mays and Science), and one to be determined. :slight_smile: </p>

<p>I appreciate the comments and cited statistics. He did not like A&M when we visited but we haven’t received his financial aid package yet so perhaps that will make a difference. He received a small grant from UT and a Founder’s Scholarship from SMU so now SMU is part of the puzzle. And, of course, he is waiting to hear from private schools tomorrow, including Vanderbilt and Duke. </p>

<p>From those 3 choices, UT McCombs, Mays with Honors, UTD, I would say Mays with Honors. Take the $4K from TAMU and use it. The Honors designation would make up for anything especially if he decides to go to grad school for an MBA. Not knocking McCombs at all, but with no $$ from UT it would be an easy choice for an undergraduate degree. Now when you receive the private college offers all that can change. </p>

<p>By the way as an addition, if he was planning for a an MBA I believe a BA from A & M & the MBA from UT would be excellent for job prospects in Texas. Two every established networks, with a honors designation from A & M & the MBA from UT could be very lucrative & you would have saved $$ with the BA from A & M. </p>

<p>That’s an excellent point about utilizing both schools’ networks. A&M hasn’t posted his financial aid yet. UT gave him some; it would be about $17,000 per year living on campus. He has also been accepted into SMU’s BBA Honors program with aid very close to a full ride so we have alot to think about. </p>

<p>Just as aside, he did not receive even one acceptance to any out-of-state Tier One colleges (Vandy, Duke, USC, etc.) :open_mouth: . He made the waiting lists at Emory and NYU. Tough tough admissions year.</p>