UT vs TAMU for Biology.

I know this is the TAMU forum, but I’m in a bit of a pickle. I know UT has a great science program, and so does TAMU, but my love for UT runs deep, its practically the only college I’ve ever cared about going to. The problem is that TAMU offers me a Tuition scholarship that would make it about 2k a year in total for me to attend… UT Austin is going to be about 7-10k depending on certain factors. Also UT has the +/- system which really irritates me to some degree because being in a major that is competitive for Pre Med, if I get a 91 in Cal I would much prefer it to be an A rather then an A-. I know that TMDSAS doesn’t count +/- but other medical schools do. So the question is, do I choose the school that I love but can put my family into a costly situation, or do I chose the school i’m not to familiar with but save the most price wise and avoid +/- system? Also I have an Auto-Admit to TAMU, UT I do not.

Go check out TAMU and see if you like it. Take a tour and just wander around for the day! Also, if it’s Austin that you love, it’s only a couple of hrs away so spending a weekend there would be very easy to do.

I agree with the poster above. Both are strong academically; the key difference is culture.

Maybe try to get in contact with a Medical school you wouldn’t mind going to and ask them about the GPA thing. Ask them if they recalculate everyone’s GPA or if there is an advantage to going to a school that isn’t on the +/- system vs one that is.

At the end of the day, no one on here can tell you a decision based on your family’s needs and financial situation, you know them, we don’t. It may be in your head that your family can’t afford UT easily. They may be willing to take on the debt for you to go to your dream school. Or they may flat out tell you no and your decision becomes crystal clear. In short, if your family is responsible for financing your education and not you, talk to them and they can tell you what your options are. Once you have the options laid out for you, forget about finances unless they tell you you need to keep considering the costs on them. In short what I am saying, if you don’t need to weight finances in your decision, then don’t. If your family says you need to consider their finances in your decision, then do, but then ask further questions to understand what is right for them.

Both are good programs. TAMU or UT you are getting a quality education that is going to be very recognizable. You need to visit both schools. If you are a die hard long horn fan, you bleed burnt orange and love austin, you might be happier there and thus do well there academically (or get too distracted and fail out). If you are only considering TAMU because you were accepted and the cost is cheaper, but haven’t seen the campus or have any ties to the school or know nothing about it, then you need to go see it and figure out if it is a place you can be happy at.

You’ve obviously done well for yourself getting accepted to both schools. Just make sure you are doing everything you can to make an informed decision.

Thank you everyone. Ironically enough the TAMU thread is the only thread that has replied to me, so thank you for taking the time to reply. I will talk more with my parents to see what option is best. I am taking a visit to TAMU soon so that will help also.

Both are great schools. If you can accept A&M for what it is I would take A&M due to the money. I think the money advantage in your situation is a big deal.

Just curious - your postings from your acct. state that you’re applying for business, engineering, biology, transfering, law school, med school… are you all the same person? Have you already been accepted to TAMu & offered the scholarship or are you just hoping? You also stated you had started college elsewhere - but have ‘auto admit’ status ?