UTA vs. TWU vs. UT?

<p>So, after much researching, I think those three schools would be my best option for majoring in nursing in Texas.</p>

<p>UTA is sort of close to home, so driving home on the weekends or on holidays is no problem. It's also pretty cheap and I can get great scholarships. The only problem is that it's sort of like a commuter school, and I'm afraid of missing out on the college experience.</p>

<p>TWU is also pretty cheap and gives great scholarships, and it isn't so much a commuter school, but the only problem that is that it's 90% female and 10% male. It would drive me crazy to be only around girls all the time, even if I am one. I need more diversity.</p>

<p>UT is pretty much perfect in almost every way. It's incredibly diverse and has a great nursing program, but it's just so freaking expensive.</p>

<p>I know I can get accepted into all of them, I just don't know which one to pick. I really need diversity, money, and a social life, and each school has two out of the three. If there are any other great schools in Texas that have all three and I just overlooked them or something, please let me know. Any advice about A&M, Baylor, Tech, etc.?</p>

<p>Apply to all three to keep your options open. Most colleges then invite students to accepted student days where you can get to know the program much better. You won’t need to decide until May 1.</p>