UTD - LLC or Honors housing?

I’m going to be a freshman at UTD next year studying CS. I’m a National Merit Finalist so I have the choice of staying in the LLC or honors housing. I’m assuming that staying in the LLC will make it easier to study with other people in my major but it would be easier to make friends in honor housing. What are the benefits of each option?

First, you will make friends both in the LLC or honors. Both of my daughters chose honors over an LLC. With the LLC, you do have classes and live with the same students - better for study groups and major related events. Living in honors will expose you to students of all disciplines. For my younger daughter, that was a good thing. She ended up switching majors in her second year. Her friend group remained the same and actually grew. If she had been in a LLC, I think the transition would have been much harder.

I think that if your major was one of the smaller departments/lots of group projects - the LLC makes more sense. It just gives you more opportunity to meet and bond with people with your same major. But with CS - there will be plenty of CS majors in honors.