UTSA (cybersecurity) vs UTD (computer engineering)

As some of you may remember reading this, I was accepted at the following institutions

  1. Perdue for liberal arts
    5 SMU Computer Science
    6 UT Dallas for computer engineering
    7 UT Arlington computer engineering
    8 Texas Tech computer engineering
    9 Uni of Arizona Engineering
    10 UT San Antonio Cybersecurity
  2. Austin College Computer science
    12 Texas State Uni Engineering

Deciding strictly from the future Job perspective, I am down to UTD for computer engineering vs UTSA for cybersecurity but now stuck?

Which degree can offer more job security?


UTSA cybersecurity is a less technical business/IT-based major.

If you prefer a more technical major, choose any computer science or computer engineering program that you can afford. Computer science or computer engineering will offer a broader range of career paths, including security related ones.