UVA Admissions Regular Decision Fall 2022

OOS son waitlisted RD. His buddy at school with very similar stats was deferred EA and also waitlisted. Tough year for these kids for sure.
So, moving on and waiting for final financial aid info from his other schools.
Congrats to all who were accepted.


In-state S22, denied. 4.16w, 3.76uw, 1520 SAT. 7 APs (all 4s and 5s so far). Science/Tech magnet school. Fair number of extracurriculars. Had been going to UVa’s summer enrichment program since he was 10.

Congrats on Michigan! Did she hear today from UM or back in January (I assume January?).

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Dang, I am so sorry to read this.

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Thanks! My daughter heard from Michigan in January which took so much pressure off. Her older sibs went to Michigan so she is well-steeped in the ways of the Wolverines. She loved UVa architecture and Charlottesville but when she heard only 82 OOS deferred students were accepted, she was prepared for the inevitable. Having watched the process from afar, she expected not to get in to several schools. For these high-stat, high-energy, high-motivated and accomplished kids, it’s really a stochastic process. You apply to lots of schools. You don’t know where you’ll get in and where you won’t but in the end there are good choices.

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So fantastic that she banked Michigan early! Soo---- many postponed from EA, it’s been brutal. Congrats again!

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D22 deferred EA and now WL. OOS with very strong stats. Accepted EA OOS to UNC. Lots of other decisions to go. Congrats to all those who got in. As much as I think their admissions process this year left a lot to be desired, UVA is a great place (D18 recently graduated).



Of course! But the strongest and largest pool is early action which Dean J has said herself. Hopefully all the wonderful applicants receive happy news tonight.



Yep. Not many come off the waitlist.
2020 was an outlier since a lot of kids took gap year.

From UVA website:
Students Admitted from the Waiting List

2021 83
2020 915
2019 9
2018 13
2017 117

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Waitlisted OOS
congrats to all that got in!

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OOS was really hopeful but WL

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Sorry, but Dean J is so full if it and she really ought to stop her spiel. “We want to see that you took the hardest courses you could in all core courses” Done! Intensifed as provided by school in 9 and 10th grades and all AP in core subjects in 11 and 12th grades! Nearly straight A’s with the exception of 1 B+ in one of the hardest AP courses. Got deferred in state ED. Dean J: “We just want to see how you do with heavy AP courseload Senior year” Great! 6 APs and one elective “passion” course - A’s in all but one B+ in hardest AP. We are not talking EASY APs here and high school is very competitive! Very active in after school activities (cheer, dance, volunteering, etc) And waitlisted. Personally, I think that Dean J needs to stop giving advice that we follow only to be let down.


I don’t believe a single word from them about admission criteria since it seems quite random. I can see clearly grades do not play a significant role in the process. They are looking for something else.



DD22 OOS waitlisted from deferred via EA.

We claimed a spot on the WL and hoping for the best, but keeping options open.

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Waitlisted RD In-State. I’m accepting my spot because I really do love so many things about UVA and see it as a good fit but in the mean time, I am considering schools that have accepted me with heavy merit.

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And I believe I have heard Dean J say that their EA pool tends to be strongest and RD is usually not as strong. Also wondering why in-state acceptance rate for RD was so low

isn’t it supposed to be like it is for ED and EA, about 28%? Having been through this with an older child, this didn’t feel like it was a super fair admission process. No idea what they did, but something was off.


D waitlisted after deferral EA. Based on Dean J’s numbers, obviously this was expected. Not sure why it seems they’ve waitlisted everyone, though I have a small inkling. They’re probably pretty scared about what their yield is going to be like in this very strange year. So keep as many options open as they can. Unfortunately, this just kicks the can down the road. Our D has been rejected from exactly one school so far- her ED- and has multiple deferrals and waitlists.

Each school is going to do what they need to do in order to fill their spots as desired, but it’s tiresome and stressful to the students. This isn’t a UVA rant, of course. Have no issue with them- in fact, they’ve been the most transparent of all the state schools. It’s more that meritocracy- the one thing that institutions of higher learning should strive to achieve- is completely out the window. I’m not saying kids that are accepted are not of merit. Of course they are. I’m simply saying that it is a complete and total stroke of luck to be accepted. Because for each accepted student, there are many dozens exactly like him or her that get waitlsted or rejected. In years such as this, I am 100% certain AO have no real way to distinguish other than a guess or a whim. Not their fault- schools have taken away some of their tools, and combined with an increased pool it’s an impossible job. But i see dozens of kids who have worked towards a goal get denied that goal because they were the 12th app read that day instead of the 3rd.

D is going to deny her wailtist spot because she’s in at UNC and sees them comparable in her eyes. But several of her friends were certainly worthy of UVA and none were accepted. Two hooked friends were, and they’re heading to Harvard and Yale respectively. Sad year for many.