UVA Admissions Regular Decision Fall 2022

Likely not until after May 1st. They won’t know the full number of committed students before then.


Gun Violence continues in Charlottesville. It’s going to be a long time before the PD gets this under control. Like many cities, gun violence is on the uptick. However, Charlottesville is unique because 17,000 students live there and the vast majority live off-campus in areas where gun violence has been prevalent in the last 12 to 24 months. Only 1st-year students live on grounds which offers some protection, but as students, they move about the community and are subject the nearby violence and these terrible shootings.

For anyone considering the climate at UVA while still making a decision, here’s a scene from yesterday! Perhaps the university should not only get a handle on the admissions process but maybe surveil what goes on from a safety standpoint? Those kids on the roof are just not safe! And I get it…kids will be kids…but seriously?

Thanks for sharing these two pieces of info that are completely unique to UVA and occur on no other campuses or cities colleges are located in.


That’s off campus so not in UVA purview but agree not safe!

That scene could be literally at any college in US.

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Like someone has said, this is off grounds and obviously not condoned by UVA. If you don’t want your kid climbing onto the roof of a frat house, tell them that.

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Also as far as gun violence…might want to search UChicago and Columbia/Barnard for acts on campus and check out Duke and Penn.
This may be my orange and blue colored glasses but for some reason UVA gets a lot of arrows slung at it for things that are pervasive in the university system in the US. There are thousands of schools in the US, by all means if Charlottesville and UVA are not your cup of tea don’t apply and by all means don’t attend…

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This is incorrect, plenty of students live on campus all 4 years and from talking to parents, on grounds housing is easy to get. Many students choose to live off grounds but it is not required. Also, no students have been shot except for one incident where someone was using the bathroom and a gun was accidentally discharged and hit a person in the other bathroom but they were not badly hurt.

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Sounds like you are on the waitlist and trying to get students to not choose to attend UVA.

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I don’t think this is even at UVA, doesn’t look like any of the Frat houses there.

I’m pretty sure it is. I won’t call out the frat name however.

As frightening as it is to see that photo as parents, unfortunately these things happen at universities. Although not to that extent, I witnessed something similar at my kid’s school and at my own 30 years ago. All we can do is try to teach our own kids reasonable and responsible behavior and hope their not-yet-mature brains listen to us.

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Definitely the Quad at UVA but surely not unique to UVA

It’s definitely UVA - my daughter was there - she stayed on the ground, lol.

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My D said thats definitely UVA and there were parents there, as it was admitted students weekend. College kids do things that a fifty year old wouldn’t. That’s the way it is. C’ville is a great place to go to school and generally safe, especially compared to other campuses. I wouldn’t hesitate sending my kid to UVA because of gun violence concerns or the antics of college students. And not every college campus has live bands at their parties. Its a great environment to go to school…if its your thing. I say this as a bitter parent of a D who was waitlisted this year…but still love UVA…Now have to love UNC too.


You never have to love UNC…this is coming from someone with a UNC diploma but a significantly larger UVA one, LOL

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Hugs to you and your daughter - UVA missed out on a great kid. So many people are going through this situation this year.

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Thanks. They did, but I think she likes UNC better and probably wouldn’t want to go to the same school her sister just went to. Still have the WLs, so we will see where she lands, but we really like Chapel Hill.

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I do recognize the building now but as someone said , this could be any university with students not doing wise things and with 21,000 students at UVA, this was a very small percentage of them at the party and only 2 on the roof. UVA is an awesome university and has given my kids great opportunities.

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UVA’s diplomas are huge compared to other schools I have seen.