UVa - Beautiful Grounds, Beautiful Students

<p>Globalist: But apparently only 10% of deferred applicants get accepted eventually? That's what I've been reading anyways. But thanks! <em>fingers crossed</em> Are you involved in current admissions? Or are you just a really enthusiastic alumni? :D</p>

<p>uva james: Out of State? Try out of the country. Heh.</p>

<p>Things are way different where I come from, so I'm not sure how I'd be judged against other internationals. I am a US citizen though.</p>

<p>SAT (taken once): 1420 (710/710)
SAT2s (taken once): 680 Writing/ 700 Math 2C/ 770 Literature</p>

<p>My ECs are decent, I'm drama club secretary, in the students' council (1 of 39 that got elected my year), and have approximately 1500 hours of volunteer work under my belt these 4 years in high school, amongst other random things.</p>

<p>I'm in the top 10%, but my report card looks... icky. Again, we're on a different grading scale here than in the states, but this is what's really getting me down in the dumps about my chances. :( Whether or not UVa recognises grade differences and stuff.</p>

<p>Plus essays. I'm very iffy about the quality of my work. You know the "what work of ... has challenged you" question? I could only manage to weakly correlate A Clockwork Orange with Singapore society (where I'm at). So, I dunno. This is me depressed.</p>

<p>that is a hard essay. i noticed they have the essays for my year up (graduating in '06), and the first question about the colleges is pretty tough. I'm still thinking about it.</p>

<p>Discombobulated, nope I'm not involved in current admission. Just simply an obsessed alumnus. </p>

<p>Re. the 10% acceptance of deferred applicants, where did you read that? That's interesting. Is that specific to UVa or w/ most schools in general?</p>

<p>yeah...good luck to you....next wednesday evening</p>

<p>Globalist: The old forum archives for UVa have a few articles and posts about early admission deferral rates. Admittedly, the last available statistic was I think, from 2001, or so I read. I can't pinpoint you to the exact thread, but it's buried somewhere in there. :P</p>

<p>so my chances of getting in RD are only 10% (i got deferred ED). Thats... really bad</p>

<p>Haileybugg, I don't think that's necessarily true. Let me do some research, and I'll get back to you.</p>

<p>i wish ms. louisiana won ms. america....she was hotter</p>

<p>Going back to the Grounds, UVa will be soon begin the South Lawn Project, which will expand and create new academic buildings south of Old Cabell Hall over Jefferson Parkway to the Med school. </p>

<p>In the spirit of excellent student-teacher cooperation, the University has consulted w/ student leaders to make sure that the new expansion will meet student needs and be conducive to good student-teacher interaction.</p>

<p><a href="http://www.cavalierdaily.com/CVArticle.asp?ID=21710&pid=1230%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.cavalierdaily.com/CVArticle.asp?ID=21710&pid=1230&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Besides the South Lawn Project, UVa is also creating a new $91 million Arts Center to enhance the presence of the Arts on Grounds.
<a href="http://www.virginia.edu/insideuva/arts_center.html%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.virginia.edu/insideuva/arts_center.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Here's more info. on UVa's new Special Collections Library, which among many other notable contents, contains an original copy of the Declaration of Independence.
<a href="http://www.virginia.edu/insideuva/2004/21/new_library.html%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.virginia.edu/insideuva/2004/21/new_library.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>