UVA EA 2026 thread

d22 GC sent midterm grades via the common app but they weren’t displaying on the portal. Hope they downloaded it…

I meant to also say I feel your pain! Our GC told my daughter not to worry and he said all the NE schools are on the later side for mid year grades - it didn’t make me feel better -I don’t get why schools add more stress to the process - just move up the grades.

Hi! I’m new here and I’m a little lost. Would uploading midyear transcript grades have benefitted me? Does UVA look for this? My grades were better than in past years this semester, but not substantially

Hi Jamie,
Some schools will not evaluate without them. That’s why I was asking. I have no idea what UVA does.
DD’s school sends them immediately to any school they sent transcripts to. We don’t need to do anything.
Check with your school!

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Thank you!!

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Will you share your DDS stats?
It’s great she got into U Rich on EA!

Zero applicants from DDs school got in; 100% deferred! We were shocked so it’d be interesting to see who got seats thru EA cycle.

DD has a great friend from boarding school at U Rich & he loves it. Another transferred out to Bucknell cuz they locked down all tennis due to COVID (he was there to play!). I think it’d be a great fit for DD:

Presidential Scholar Candidate
Governor’s School/Health & Medical Sciences Academy
Natl Cert EMT
Volunteer w Hispanic Community
Tutors peers in Spanish
Many Leadership
Patient-facing Interniship
Outstanding LoR

But DD was deferred at U Rich with every single student from her school……

This is from Dean_J last April, so I guess we can all wait patiently for less than two more days.

"SIS is used by Student Financial Services. “Inquiry Access Denied” is what shows up when you try to see a financial aid package that isn’t posted. It has nothing to do with your application for admission. The Office of Admission does not use SIS for application data or reading.

The applicant portal used by the Office of Admission. Decisions don’t even get fed into the portal until the release day. There is no hint, code, sign, message, etc that is related to your application decision in the portal because the decisions aren’t there.

The clicking around trying to find something isn’t productive and it’s probably taking you away from doing other things. We still have a lot of work to do before decisions are ready. Hang in there!"


Is your DD in public, private, or boarding?
Our DD spent 2 years at Holderness in NH & loved it!

I’m just confused cause I applied for aid, but I see “There is no financial aid information found” under Financials - Finance Center - Financial Aid/accept decline awards

I see this :dizzy_face: faces. Haha. I know!!!
But her GC told us it’s a complete jacked up mess of a process because of QUOTAS. He said our DD would be in a spectacular position IF SHE WERE NOT A WHITE FEMALE. But she’s in THE most competitive bracket & they have thousands just like her to choose from!
If she were competing in a general pool, she’d be at the top. But she’s not!
GC is a black man — the director of college counseling — and his black son got denied at UVA last year with a 4.1 & all the bells and whistles. He said a 4.1 is rare in young black men. But he was passed over for 3.2 GPA black male athletes.
The process is BROKEN.
GC said these are institutions for higher learning. While he appreciates the NOD to include URMs, he feels placement should go to THE most deserving + additionally added slots for URMs who may not have made the initial cut. Give the place to THE most deserving & add for diversity. He’s not a fan of quotas because they work against stellar students who show more promise than others who gain admission for the mere fact they’re in a less-competitive bracket/pool.
I’m not well-versed on this. I’m new & learning but his position seems to have merit.
Even if DD gets into a phenomenal school, it doesn’t fix a jacked up system.

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Will the decision be in the applicant admissions portal or in SIS?

It’ll be in the applicants portal

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Your GC is right about the system being jacked up but he’s wrong about your DD being in the THE most competitive backet. That bracket belongs to the Asian kids. Nevertheless, I agreed that it should be based on merit and then add additional spots for URMs. Good luck to your DD.


asian kids overall but for UVA i think white female wins on this one


You could be right but I’d love to see the data on that one. According to 2020 CDS for UVA, females have better acceptance rate than males but it doesn’t break down by race.

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Replying to a couple of people above…UVA will look at anything sent in via the portal (grades, etc.) assuming it is there when they read the application. Dean J has said multiple times that they don’t circle back unless they’re circling back for something on their end. So if you upload it before your app was read, it’ll be in the file. Afterwards, and good chance nobody sees it. However, she also downplayed the impact (for EA at least) of most things people tend to upload.

Grades are not required for EA review, and for the most part they would not review them since the application was probably read prior to those grades becoming available.


@Rmbent On the screenshot you sent I see the same thing except that under Aid Year Description I see “Award access not available.” instead of “Inquiry access denied.”


did you apply for aid?

Does everyone have a Student ID and University ID under General Information on SIS portal?

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