UVA EA 2026 thread

can anyone chance me? I am OOS
uw-3.9 w-4.7
13 AP’s+7 Honors
4 years of Spanish + 4 years of French+ 6 years of math + 10 years of science
live in rural area + first gen
Awards: Coca Cola Scholar SF, Semi-finalist for California State Science and Engineering Fair, Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Volunteerism Award, 1st Place Science Fair
EC’s: Helped raise $600k for blood cancer, 80k is in my aunt’s name who is battling cancer, internship at a UC for stem cell research, conduct science research at home through bioinformatics, pancreatic cancer research with mentor from Stanford, Tutor students everyday after school, cheerleader (3 years), owner of platform to spread awareness on healthcare/human rights, volunteer at rescue mission where I listen to people’s testimonies on drug/substance abuse from homeless people


you’ll get in

your stats are amazing! am i correct in thinking i also saw you get into georgetown and michigan?

yes I did which has been shocking to me cause I was going in not so confident

thank you so much, it stresses me out I am OOS

what’s your top choice? you most likely will have a pick of whereever

Georgetown + UMich were on my top 5 but it depends on financial aid which I will be hearing back soon, Stanford has been my dream school since I was 7 so I am praying that I get in there, I have worked so hard :pensive:
I really like UVirginia for what I want to major in so we will see what happens. At the end of the day you end up where you are meant to be at

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Can I ask what your SIS financial center says? Lol

Inquiry access denied when I go look to view financial aid

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Good luck!
I don’t think anyone can really chance you—OOS UVA is really a crap shoot. You have a great record and you should be proud that you did a great job in preparing yourself for college. :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers:


looks like inquiry access denied indicates whose accepted… sadly i don’t have it :frowning: but you do! so best of luck tomorrow!!

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thank you!! i was really hoping this would work out but i’m not sure it will

same ugh

i find it hard to believe that inquiry access denied is only there for some people and it means nothing…


I have No Finanxial aid Information available, I assume you have the same?

yes mine says no awards yet under the “view financial aid” tab and accept/decline (then it says no financial aid found) under the “financial center tab”


OOS & didn’t apply for aid and I also have no awards yet

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is there a way to check if i applied for aid or not? i believe i said i would but i turned in my CSS last week so i’m not sure if i was counted for aid?

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