UVA EA 2026 thread

Curious what the back door is - wondering if it’s similar to the Notre Dame Gateway program. which is a guaranteed transfer sophomore year to full time ND status. Similar? If so, how has it been for your son?

Sorry- I meant he was so used to deferrals that he wasn’t expecting to get in. When he was accepted, he joked he “got in the back door”. It was a normal acceptance.

He LOVES Cornell. Loves it. Said he’s happy for all of the deferrals and rejections now (he was also rejected UNC and Penn, though he already knew he was in Cornell when he opened Penn).

My point was that, as a student and as a parent, it is SO hard going through all of this. Rejections sting the hardest but are the easiest to get over. It’s like a breakup. Sometimes you KNOW it’s over, and while it hurts it makes it easier to move on. Deferrals are the “let’s take a break”. You pine for the school and don’t really let go. I wish things were accept/reject. These months would be so much easier. BUT…it usually works out. They either get in somewhere they didn’t expect, they begin to research the school(s) they did get into and start to fall in love, or often GO to a school they initially didn’t think they’d love and end up enjoying it. Also…how many of our kids know sophomore transfers that are loving life at their new home?

Nothing is ever a closed door that will remain locked. As a parent or student, we KNOW that intrinsically but there is such pressure to WIN THE MOMENT and have all of our dreams confirmed with acceptances. I hate this process. Wish it were easier.


Gotcha! thanks for clarifying. And yes - this process has been BRUTAL. So many hard working, talented, smart kids all competing - so much pressure. Holding tight to the 'everything works out the way it’s supposed to" mantra.


Me so far:

Accepted - GTown, Villanova, URichmond
Rejected - UNC (OOS)

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me so far:

Accepted - Ohio State, Penn State, Miami of Ohio
Deferred - Michigan
Awaiting Decision - UVA, Clemson, Vanderbilt, Butler, Indiana

I went through this song and dance last year with my DD. We are in state VA. They took lower stat kids in ED, who did not need FA. In the end, she was offered a spot at their Wise campus for 1 year, with an automatic transfer. From what I heard this is just for In-state Arts and science majors. She was embarrassed. She ended up elsewhere on a full ride, and after her freshman year she will already have 79 credits and took on a second major. The admission process was horrible, but my 3 ended up at the best schools for them, and are all thriving. My last one will not be applying in VA. So whatever path is laid out for your son, just know he will end up where he is supposed to. It will all turn out good!


Best of luck to all…as the child of an alum, an alum myself and the parent of a student, my allegiance to UVA runs deep. But I will say when my daughter applied for Clas ‘23, UVA and Dean J were the most transparent of any school in the application process.
The length that schools have gone to in order to protect their yield and create an a false narrative in admissions is disturbing. Unfortunately, hard work, aptitude and success don’t correlate to admission and that is truly disheartening.
Again good luck to all but in the end this result doesn’t diminish the work you’ve done up to this point. Celebrate those successes because they are not without merit.


Well…the one thing is that IN LIFE everything generally works out at their control. Intelligence, hard work, and the product of that hard work will trump the name on their college degree every day of the week. Yeah, they want the experience and the ability to learn at these wonderful institutions…but…


For me:

Accepted: UMich, Temple, Pitt, Bard
Rejected/Deferral: none so far
Awaiting: Wesleyan ED2 + all of my RD schools


Congratulations for all your hard work paying off

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Nor does mine despite his 1560 SAT and 4.4WGPA…Not a lot of ECs and OOS.

ahh, thank you! It sucks you have to work so hard to get into college like there were times I would be crying from stress and everything but I am happy with the acceptances I have been getting!

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My girl:
Accepted: Temple, Penn State, Pitt and JMU
Waiting: UVA, VT and U of South Florida.

She ain’t thinking she will get into UVA and isn’t even sure she’d go if she did get in. Go figure!

No rejections yet.

Good luck to you all.

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What time are decisions coming today?

There are no race or ethnicity quotas at UVA. There is the residency ratio that benefits Virginia residents, of course.

I’m a worried about that counselor! They should probably come to the Virginia Counselor’s Workshop at UVA. They do not seem well informed about this process.

The notion that the people who didn’t read the applications know who should be admitted and the admission officers who did read the applications don’t is not logical.


Your son’s experience so far is proof the system is BROKEN.

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I wish all colleges have an engaging admission officer like Dean J. I am proud UVA is my state’s flagship university.

UVA Admission= ‘A’ for transparency !! :slight_smile: :smiley:


Ugh. My daughter is just sick to her stomach today, expecting a rejection :face_vomiting:. She’s already told us not to try to console her (apparently, we are never to utter “UVA” ever again if she isn’t accepted.) Her application is as strong as some of the others here, great GPA, Varsity athlete, good scores, leadership and service roles, black belt, Model UN, etc., but the way the world is now, it might not matter. Her current condition:

accepted EA: Macalester
Jury’s still out: UVA, Wellesley, Smith, William & Mary, Vassar, Bryn Mawr, UMass Amherst, UConn, Brown.

She doesn’t have a “hook,” beyond her Aspergers diagnosis (which I’m not sure even qualifies as a hook but some universities are at least doing lip service to neuro-diversity initiatives). I guess we’ll see.


Good luck, everyone!!! :blue_heart: :orange_heart:


Good luck everyone!! I’m holding onto the fact that I absolutely loved my supplemental essays for UVA and hoping I’ll get good news despite my lower GPA! GOOD LUCK!! :orange_heart::blue_heart: