UVA EA 2026 thread

I think it will be 11th of Feb


Hi there, we cover the timeline in the first section of the application instructions. EA notification is on/around Feb 15. If earlier, I ALWAYS post about it on my accounts.

DeanJ’s reply to a comment on her Instagram. This was posted yesterday so I still believe early-mid feb will be the notification. probably the second week


AO social media account was hinting at a later date than last year due to everyone having to come to the office this year (more traffic, less time looking at apps, etc.) but who knows.

same, daughter has tried multiple times to upload to portal herself - upload succeeds and then a day or two later, it disappears.

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That is a little scary… VA Tech was the same way…


VT was even worse, I think:

While the record applications catch me in the gut, I have tried to tell myself a few things:

  • the extra applications will definitely slow down decisions
  • the extra apps are WELCOMED by schools because it makes them more selective
  • I’m a firm believer in not just TO but TB because test scores are just bad predictors of successful students. However, I think sending scores is still giving applicants a leg up, regardless of how it was marketed.
  • OTHER THAN OUTLIERS, the students who get acceptances shouldn’t change a LOT-LOT U-N-L-E-S-S the formula from the school changes (for example: making conscious decision to admit 50% URM).

I’m not sure this makes any difference in the end. These are just thoughts from my stressed-out parent-brain that is hoping her DD gets under the wire!



Has VT posted their EAs yet?
(They are not on DDs list but she has a friend who applied there under EA…)

No, we are waiting on EA from VT and UVA.


May the force be with you!

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I agree with your assessment - much of the increase in applications is due to each student applying to more colleges, but ultimately, each student can only attend one school. I think it impacts timing of decisions, deferral numbers (up) and waitlist usage (also will go up) as the schools’ models of yield are less accurate than years past.
All of this increases stress levels. . .

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I think according to the study done at the UofCal system, test scores are one of the best predictors of students’ future success. Strangely enough, they dropped the requirement anyway.


so what day are we thinking for EA decisions? i was expecting around feb 15th but it looks like that could change?

11th maybe

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Was really hoping this Friday the 4th… but based on this thread that doesn’t seem likely?

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Probably not, but you never know. If it is Friday, we’ll get an announcement tomorrow.

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i mean this thread is just a bunch of students and parents speculating…


it’s highly unlikely since they have an increased amount of applicants this year, i would be happy if it came out on the 11th but i feel like it may be the 18th