UVA EA 2026 thread

Accepted instate for School of Engineering and Applied Science!

DD Admitted OOS (Legacy).
3.98/4.5 (half of all classes were AP/Honors)
test optional (couldn’t get seats in CA)
great recs and nationally competitive athlete (it’s not a D1 sport though).

Thank you for sharing. I didn’t know essay could impact that much to determine one’s fate. You must be a really good writer with a really compelling story.

Their pretty similar stats, and I have no problem with an in state kid getting in to the home state school. Best of luck to him!

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Accepted! In state

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Curious why you would drop out at this point?

We’re OOS, she has 2 full years (junior & senior) of classes at our local state university. She went test optional, weighted GPA is 4.441 but I think her transcript that was submitted it was 4.14, unweighted 3.892. She has decent Ec’s, nothing crazy. We just figured being OOS she didn’t have much of a chance since there’s so many other girls that probably fall into a similar category as her. Not sure what she’ll do if she gets accepted since she never really thought of it as an option. She’s still waiting on W&M. She’s already been accepted to a state school that has a combined BS/MS program that is really appealing to her since she could do it in 4yrs then she plans on going to med school. Probably will come down to money.

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D deferred. High stats out of state. D1 recently graduated. Honestly very surprised . A lot of her friends accepted with lower numbers and extras. No rhyme or reason that we can understand. Lots of other decisions to go.

Very disappointed, but we still love UVA.

Congrats to admits.


CONGRATS to everyone that got in!! You all deserve it :slight_smile:
Not sure what to do after being deferred though. I’m an in state student and want to study neuroscience. My essays, ec’s, recs, and classes were all up there. I know UVA says to just submit mid years, but is there any other advice you all have.

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Applied to School of Engineering and Applied Science, but acceptance letter does not mention anything about acceptance to program. Thoughts?

She got into her UVA equal, UMich. Both are attractive to her but Umich is in state. If both colleges deferred her she would have stayed and waited. If UVA accepted her, she would tour and really see if it was a place she was meant to be. Both have great programs for her major and the out of state tuition doable. It wasn’t an easy decision but she made this after her Umich acceptance.

You get admitted to the college you applied to. In your case college of engineering. You don’t need to declare major until after first or second year depending on the college.

BOTH DDs accepted OOS!!

One accepted UMiami, full tuition scholarship.
Accepted Tulane, merit.
Accepted Auburn with scholarship.

Other accepted U-Michigan.
Deferred Yale.
Waitlisted UNC.
Accepted Alabama (with NM)


Sorry, enough. This is not the place for gloating or whatever this is. Go celebrate with your friends and family. Congrats.


Rejected OOS 1480 SAT(Perfect Math), 4.3 WGPA. All the other stuff similar to other posts.

I think at least one of these “acceptances” will be rescinded when these schools that pride themselves on gracious, self aware leaders read this litany of posts.


Daughter was rejected OOS.
GPA 3.99 UW, 4.22 W
1520 SAT, 1 sitting
Level 10 gymnast
Private Jesuit HS
Not surprised at the rejection, but still a little disappointed. Hoping for better news from William & Mary. If not, good scholarship offers already from Indiana, UGA, & Denver.
Congrats to those admitted.


Daughter OOS Accepted!
1490 SAT 5.03 weighted gpa. 9 APs and the rest H. Level 10 gymnast.
Was rejected and postponed by other schools so UVA tonight provided her a big boost. Wishing everyone well!


D22 Accepted!

OOS, Legacy
~98uw/103.28w, #8 of 582
35 ACT (33/36/36/36)
12 APs (six 5s, one 4 so far)
Main EC was preschool choir director at church
Arts & Sciences (religion/sociology)

Congrats to all those accepted; as others have said, those deferred/rejected here will still have fantastic options at excellent schools, whether UVa or elsewhere.


Does anyone know any info about Echols? What percentage of admits are offered it?
TIA! Congrats to all!!!

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