UVA EA 2026 thread

This link does not include numbers for this year, but you can look up the different counties/cities in VA over the last several years and their admittance/accepted rates.


D22 school has sent 15 students each year to UVA in '20 & '21, but that might be due to the STEM program it has.

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Accepted OOS (high volume state - NY/CA)
-no hooks

104/100 W GPA, 97.5 UW
-13 APs

1550 SAT (770 E, 780M)
-one sitting
-National Merit semifinalist

ECs (only significant ones)
-Eagle Scout
-Varsity Track & XC varsity
-Science Research in school & summer lab internship @ university


Also to point out, he/she claimed to have a UVA chemistry department full scholarship as a freshman, which doesn’t exist. The poster also said her father went to UVA so that may negate the Questbridge. I think it was a hoax post that had the intended result.

Plus UVA out of state for full pay students is over $70,000 a year, which may cross it off some families lists, particularly given the lower price tag of some comparable schools. There are a lot of families out there that qualify as full pay for whom $70,000 a year is an unreasonable ask.


Funny, we have Kid 3 in three years. We have learned a lot with Kid1 and Kid2 in the last 24 months.

Kid3 will be –

  • Home schooled
  • Great recs
  • Test Taker with three years of intensive preparation


I was talking to D1 while watching that amazing game last night and contemplating the dilemma I may have if D2 ends up at UNC or Duke. Who do I root for? I guess for the sake of family harmony, I should root for D2 to end up in the Ivy League. :grin:


Hey everyone. Congrats to all those who were admitted.

I checked my portal a few minutes ago, and I see that there’s an update that has named me an Echols Scholar. Does anyone have any information regarding the benefits of the program?


Congrats! Obviously a lot of info online, but the main benefits we have seen listed is priority registration and the fact that you have absolutely no general education requirements. Essentially, you take the classes you want to take- with theoretically the best professors as you’ll be registering at the front of the line- and simply fulfill the requirements of the major(s) you choose. If you decide to enroll at another school (such as the school of Commerce) you would be subject to their full requirements.

You will have other options, such as communal living with other Echols scholars in supposedly newer dorms in a great location, but those are optional.

Congrats! Our D really liked EA (she was deferred) but had she been fortunate enough to receive an Echols scholar it likely would have skyrocketed to the top of her list- or at least in the top 2/3.


Congrats! Same :blush:

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Congrats! My son’s portal notes he is a Rodman Scholar (I think Engineering equiv. of Echols?). I think @westchesterdad22 is spot on with perks and I’m sure they’ll give you and others a chance to learn more about the program/engage with current Echols Scholars.


Was there an email to check portal?

No, but I think there’s going to be one coming soon that explains the opportunity

Thanks - will someone please post when the email hits?


Does anyone know if ED kids are less likely to get Echols? I mean it seems like a great program and hence also great for recruiting…and clearly the ED kids have their mind set. Just curious if anyone knows?

I don’t know if stats are available but Dean J last week mentioned that ED/EA applicants are reviewed for these programs together and then RD is also reviewed (with notifications coming later).

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emergey pizza button

Does anyone know when financial aid comes out in the SIS?

They send an email when it’s ready, I got mine today but I’m guessing they’re sending them out in waves as they have them ready.


Does your financial aid include merit as well? Just curious since we don’t get much aid besides the unsubsidized loan of the $5500/year. Wondering if they release merit scholarships in the financial aid document or at a later date.

Merit? I don’t think UVA does merit? Please, someone correct if I am wrong (I’d love to be!), but other than the few premier scholarships, my understanding is that they are meets needs.