UVA EA 2026 thread

That is our understanding too. UVA does not hand out merit aid like other colleges. It came up in one of their Q&A online sessions.

There are scholarships for a very few lucky ones, but that is it.

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As far as I know UVA does not give merit. There are outside scholarships like Jefferson, but not school based merit.


If you have a lot of APs, UVA will take most of them and you can enter with a lot of credits. If you plan properly, you can graduate in three years. Save a year of tuition!


Thank you everyone! Now it makes sense! No merit, ouch!

I was a Rodman many decades ago…IIRC it “may” have had a small scholarship with it (like $500 a year), but that wasn’t the real point…Rodmans live together with the Echols and it’s nice…Rodmans skip some of the first year intro to Engr courses all ENGR students take, and take Rodman-only equivalents…they’re WAY more interesting and get you introduced to a group of some of the best ENGR students at the school…If there are Jeffersons scholars at ENGR, they’re all gonna be Rodmans, but there won’t be many of them…they’re the ones on full ride.

After the first year classes, the biggest thing is that Rodmans will be able to sign up for classes with priority…which means your kid will get the electives they want (and be able to work around 8AM Friday classes!)…ENGR curriculum is usually quite full, so having choice on electives means the difference in taking something you want and something that will “fit” the schedule. It’s a nice perq. The friends made among the Rodmans also carry through once majors are declared…Some of my closest friends in my Major (Systems) were kids I met in Rodman classes. Also, times may be different now, but back then the E-School was predominantly male, and the Rodman class was far more balanced with female representation. It’s a great way to get to know more faculty sooner, which does has some ancillary benefits to those that seek that stuff out beyond the classroom re research etc. Over the years they’ve tried to add more beyond what is primarily a first-year experience with the Program…not sure if they actually did much though. Hope that helps.

Rodman Scholar decisions came out today, has a $1000 stipend to apply towards any educational activity


Echols decision came out earlier today as well.

Did Echols come with a stipend like Rodman?

This is really helpful and I’ll definitely be sharing with my son! He just got “official” notification and yes, small annual stipend (1K) for research/education/conference attendance.

Probably not.

DS (IS) accepted! He’s homeschooled so this was a surprise as we had no idea what to expect. And now, Echols! He had to Google that to find out what it was. Sounds amazing!


My son didn’t get Echols, but he is just thrilled to be going to UVA! I’m just happy to see him happy and for him to see his work pay off; I know it doesn’t always work that way so I am grateful!


Congrats to him too! If your son is coming in with AP’s, Echols may not be a big deal, but my son doesn’t have AP’s, so getting to skip the general Ed’s is huge!

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Late to post! DD accepted OOS.
34 ACT, 4.03 uw GPA.
She was deferred from her ED, deferred from Michigan, deferred from NU, and rejected from UNC. Very surprised and thrilled!


Has everyone received financial aid packages already?

We have. It should show in the SIS under Financial Center.

EA accepted.

Yes…my daughter got this week. Under SIS and she was accepted EA.

Thanks. Hopefully soon. We have 2! :scream:

Yikes … 2! Hopefully you will get better news than we did. I didn’t expect much, but after doing the UVA Net Price calculator I was a bit more hopeful based on what they showed to be their estimated aid.
The reality is UVA offered us very little financial aid. In our financing plan letter, it showed what UVA called thier EFC based on “Institutional Methodology” being $15,000 higher than our FAFSA EFC.
UVA is a fabulous school, but for many OOS folks, it may just not be practical. Fingers crossed you get good news!


Its not practical even for many in state students because of the tuition differential compared to other in state schools