UVA EA 2026 thread

Thanks for the information. Yes I’m sure it will be higher than our EFC in the FAFSA but I’m scared to see how much higher!
We’ve saved for our instate public schools but that cost is much lower than anything OOS. So we’ll have to see how it looks. I have a third in the mix (didn’t apply to UVA) so have to consider where she will end up too.

Same here. Even if you count the numerous loans in their package as aid, net cost is still several thousand over both our FAFSA EFC and their encouraging NPC number. D22 loves it, but I’m not sure we can manage the cost with this package.

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Thanks! We’re in state. And if deferred means a soft no then we have a LOT of soft nos. :slight_smile: Good thing for casting a wide net.

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I meant “not” but you get what I mean…sigh

Thanks for the comment but it is a tough year. Nothing my son can do about it. I feel like fate has a way of working out. My daughter attends her third choice. For some reason, at the last minute she declined her top 2 schools. It worked out for her. She is happy as a clam.


EA students can still receive the Echols designation during the Regular Decision round. This was the case for my D20. So it may be a no or a Not Yet on the Echols decision.


$70K is indeed a lot for UVA.


$80k for Engineering

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That is odd. My daughter is a 4th year OOS and her aid has always been as good or better than I expected based on FAFSA.

That’s is really encouraging! Thanks for your comment.
STILL waiting on aid package for both my girls.

Well they do keep you on pins and needles and that doesn’t stop with first year. Our packages have always come late and the delays often had me making nervous calls to Student Financial Services to find out if something was missing from the application. SFS was always great to deal with (though wait times could be long).

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we are considering the same choices, but for us both OOS

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oh early action
4.0 unweighted, 11 ap’s so far all 5’s
1500 sat
went to three different high schools
typical extra and volunteering

cant decide between University of Michigan and UVA??

I had that same decision, but for law school - Mich vs. UVa. Both are outstanding academically, and it was hard to differentiate. It honestly came down to weather. I visited both campuses in the spring; snowing and miserable in Ann Arbor, warm and sunny in Cville. That was the deciding factor, and I never regretted it.

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D18 had many choices, including Michigan, and ultimately chose UVA because she really liked the vibe and the people. I can tell you that her classmates have done really well with high-paying jobs and admissions to top graduate programs. Although I’m not super thrilled with UVA at the moment as D22 was deferred EA, I still think it’s an amazing place. I think it is also a bit less “woke” and has less of a radical feel if those things are important to you. I’m sure you will have a great experience at either place. Good Luck.


My daughter is at UVA now and loves it (OOS from NC) selected over UNC. Both her roommates are from NJ and chose UVA over Michigan.
You are splitting hairs with choices like this so something as seemingly simple as climate and the “grounds” aka as the campus can be the deciding factor…

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Same for my daughter.

Do you mind me asking if there were specific reasons for her to choose UVA over UNC? Our D is deferred from UM and UVA (GC thinks she’ll get into UM based on relationship with AO and past history of similar applicants…and is unsure about UVA even though she’s also similar to several deferred applicants who gained entry in RD round). We didn’t expect her to get into UNC, sort of expect her to get into UM, and know UVA has always been a toss-up. She’s visited them all, and likes them all. I think UVA probably a smidge over UNC, and both over UM (weather).

She was born and raised in Chapel Hill…went to private school in Durham where 20+ kids out of a class of 100 go to UNC. Many of whom were average students academically so she didn’t feel it was a reward for her academic achievements.
Also, she is the third generation from my family to go to UVA. My mother was one of the first women to attend and I graduated in ‘92. I also graduated from UNC Dental School in ‘98 so I had 4 years on campus in Chapel Hill.
I’ve always joked if we lived in NOVA or Richmond she would have wanted to attend UNC…

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I think I mentioned it before, but it is just so bizarre that my D has the same exact situation . What are the odds?