UVA EA 2026 thread

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Probably means nothing.

did you apply for aid?


This is mine but I did not apply for aid

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What does your view financial aid tab look like once you click on it?

“You have no awards yet”

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i also do not have a withdraw button, im assuming it went away for everyone


does anyone have the withdraw option?

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" the finance center page has 2 links: “View Financial Aid” and “Accept/Decline Awards”

These links show: aid year, institution, aid year description."

Does anyone who didn’t apply for aid have this


how do I make a SIS account?

you should have gotten an email with instructions

No, withdraw button, the CHeck list also disappeared.

We have the links but not the aid year, institution and aid year description. Hmm.

did you apply for aid?

Sorry meant to also say no did not apply for aid.

maybe it is just available for people who applied for aid


My son does not have the aid year, institution, and aid year description columns and we did apply for aid. So, this could be a bad sign for him…

Who knows? IT may not have completed the financial aid update???

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Just to clarify -I think those only show up when you click on one of the links on the Financial Center page.