UVA EA 2026 thread

No, we are on UVA SIS.

does anyone see “Award access not available” under the Accept/Decline Awards section in the finance center?

We never got an email about that. Because we did not apply for aid?

Yes. That’s what I see.

does everyone have a student and universty ID in the sis portal under my profile>general info

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I was just reading last years thread and there was something about being able to upload test scores on the main portal meant deferral and if you didn’t have it you were either accepted or rejected. Anyone know of this and is it possibly a thing this year?

I think everyone has the upload option this year… for now atleast

i do see test scores :frowning:

On the main UVA portal, not the SIS? It was like part of the drop down under upload documents.

does it look like this where it only has general update?

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Mine looks like this too

yeah i only have general doc too

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I also only have general doc

That’s what mine looks like

Thank you for clarifying. No test scores on portal

ok I was just asking since someone mentioned the option to upload scores, but I don’t think anyone has that option right now

everyone has this under the my profile page sis?

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i believe so

same. says “you have no awards yet.” Did not apply for aid. OOS

you have to go to finance centre then click “accept/decline awards”… not view financial aid