UVA EA / ED Fall 2023

Hey all, Didn’t see an EA forum for CO 2027 so I decided to start one. Feel free to post stats or say anything about UVA here


Daughter applied EA as a poly sci major.

Public HS in NJ, highly ranked school but for whatever reason we never get kids accepted to UVA.

1530 SAT.
4.0 UW GPA (something like a 4.6 W).
Solid but unspectacular EC’s (like soccer captain, class rep, officer in several school clubs, local library volunteer).
Full pay, no hooks.
Expect her LOR’s to be quite nice. She is really well liked by everybody. Has a bubbly personality. Just not sure those strengths will come through in her applications.

Expecting a rejection or deferral.


Hmmm. Those ECs are spectacular. Good luck.

Daughter applied EA too… ditto on mostly everything there (including highly ranked public HS from NJ and 1520 SAT, 3.9 UW, 5.2 W), strong, unique ECs which reflect major choice, strong essays, Recs…but OOS, majority applicants like her (especially women) are plentiful to UVA. From our HS, typically only Val and Sal (or applicants who meet exceptionally strong institutional priorities) get in.


My son has applied EA OOS, test optional. 4.0 UW, 4.52 W, top 10% state high school. Top 10% class rank, 8 APs. Band, dance, Science Olympiad NC regional winner, job.

He has his fingers crossed for sure for UVa. He’s not wanting to say, but I feel he would attend if he’s accepted. Loved it on his visit. He’s an elite dancer and has submitted an Arts Supplement. Male dancers are often difficult to find, and I’m hoping that helps his application. But OOS is so tough no matter what.

Good luck to everyone! Hope we don’t have to wait too long.


In state male, no hooks, engineering. 3.98/4.5, 1560, NMSF. 9 APs, post-AP, 3 DE. Varsity athlete, founded one and leadership in two clubs. NEGATIVES: reside in “over represented” NOVA. No AP englsh nor AP foreign language (stopped at level 4).

Best of luck everyone!


My son is OOS, 3.95 UW, 1520 SAT, 5s on 3 AP exams and taking 2 AP classes senior year. Unusual ECs based on his major, 2+ hour daily commute to the top ranked private school in our state. My husband is a double hoo and I attended the law school (question if that matters anymore).

I think OOS status makes UVA a long shot, but would be really happy to get in:) Good Luck to everyone - let’s hope all our kids find a school that they love!


Does anyone know of a thread for UVA ED applicants?

I did not see any threads for UVA for fall 2023, so that’s why I started this one for EA. You may want to start one for ED as wel.

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Ik it says that ED decisions come out Dec. 15th, but in the past three years they’ve had the early decision option decisions have always come out the friday before the 15th (which would be the 9th). I’m curious whether others think this trend will stay the same as in past years or if they will just wait until the 15th?

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UVA in the past has been pretty good on announcing the release date in advance - either on the blog or on some social media platform.


They shared that they were not very productive in the days following the shooting so haven’t made as much progress as they normally would have by this point.


That could be very true. It’s very sad what happened.

I didn’t even think about that. So sad for the whole uva community

Have you gotten a letter from UVa discussing how they handle legacy applicants? I got one today.


I have not carefully followed the most recent updates for this application cycle, but legacy was acknowledged to be a meaningful factor for OOS last year, and I haven’t heard otherwise for this year. D22 was admitted OOS EA as a legacy with grades/scores just a fraction higher but from an average public school rather than top private, and also with unusual ECs related to major. I think your chances are better than “long shot,” though it’s true that OOS is getting more and more competitive. Best of luck!


The letter I got today stated that 35% of legacy applicants were accepted and 14% of entering first years were legacies. For last year’s cohort. I think it may be a “we are letting you down gently” letter.

Legacy applicants are probably top students and with more legacies applying, the pool just gets larger and more competitive each year.


Maybe, hard to say. We received a letter last year a few weeks after applying that thanked my daughter for applying, noted that legacies are important to the University and we’d love to keep all of you but space is unfortunately limited, but know that we definitely do want you to keep giving money, etc.etc. Kidding about the last part, but the letter was generic and noncommittal, and then she was accepted a few weeks later. So you may have received this year’s version of that form letter.


Sounds like the same thing. Good to know it’s not necessarily a rejection.