UVA EA / ED Fall 2023

Just to be clear, 20 percent is my guess based on this year’s instate admission rate for ED of 31 percent . Last year’s EA instate was 30 percent and in state ED was 38. Hopefully the number is higher and I am too conservative.


These large numbers of applicants, is it due to kids applying to more places? Because I have read that the number of 2023 HS graduates has not increased substantially and the international applicants are not the reason either — so, I assume it’s that kids are applying to more colleges - inflating the number. But the number of applicants and spots is the same (or similar) from years past?

Also because of test optional applications. Many who wouldn’t have considered applying to certain schools because of scores figure they might as well try now.


Sure, but those are kids I lumped into the “applying to more places” category. My question is will there be movement in the waitlist period after RD decisions… as well as in the next weeks after ED2 commits withdraw their other apps… because if there are not “more” 2023’s overall - there are the same number of college spots and similar number of overall applicants - so, in the end, there should be some movement to waitlists , right?


I don’t think many got off the waitlist last year.

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If you consider all colleges in aggregate then yes - same number of applicants and seats. But for individual colleges especially top 100 schools which dominate this forum, there are a lot more people applying than in previous years. Test optional, emphasis on first gen and URM has resulted in kids who wouldn’t have previously applied to these schools to apply, making them even more competitive.

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A few thousand more applied this cycle. 86 got off the waitlist last year. 8690 were offered a waitlist spot and 4924 accepted a spot on the waitlist. And the waitlist movement will depend on yield which is typically pretty high at Uva. To get off the waitlist, you need to fit the type of student they need-certain majors, demographics.


Last year it was 163 the previous years were:
2021 - 83
2020 - 915
2019 - 9
2018 - 13


does UVA typically have any portal astrology? im stressing about it.


No, but the Dean has stated she will make announcements on social media a few days before…

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What’s not really shown in the statistics is the number of kids that were offered a spot off the waitlist. The 86 implies that only 86 got offers from the waitlist. I can well imagine a family that in March/April gets comfortable with a decision to attend a different school, puts their deposit down there, goes through some room selection etc… only to have UVA (or other school) come to them with an offer from the waitlist only to say “no thanks”. If someone was on the bubble that much they likely got into some other very good schools.

I link VT’s because it’s the best data set representation I’ve seen -

Applications are up for a variety of reasons but have been trending up for a couple of years now. Although the acceptance % has dipped the pure # has increased therefore their yield is shrinking. If you put together a chart like this for most other schools you’ll see the same. People can come up with their own thoughts on why this is buy my guess is that it’s due to kids applying to more schools.

The college’s need to pull from the waitlist is contingent on how closely they can guess their yield.


We don’t need portal astrology for UVA. They always give warning about when the results will be posted. They don’t like to surprise students because they want students to be able to choose where they will be when they check, and with whom. They also typically release results on Friday nights at 5:30 pm.

Since results were not released this past Friday, and since we are getting close to their 2/15 promise, results will likely be released this Friday at 5:30 pm. We should get an announcement on Wednesday or Thursday announcing this.

Also, regarding in-state acceptance rate, keep in mind that a LOT of Virginia students apply to UVA when they have no chance of getting in. UVA typically takes people in the top 10% of their high school class. The acceptance rate for those in the top 10% vs those NOT in the top 10% must be drastically different.

I can’t remember where I got it and the stat might be a couple of years old and doesn’t segregate OOS v In-State but Top 10% was 90% of admissions with 98% being in top 25%. Basically if you’re outside the top 10% of your class there is a chance but a small one. I’m sure there’s a good amount of variation by program too though.

Those numbers are part of the common data set


This right here. My kids have attended a school where sports dominate and rule every facet of social life in and out of school. It’s a powerhouse that cranks out division 1 players, where very athletic kids ride the bench or get cut from teams. Both my kids struggled harshly with this and as a result had a lackluster high school experience. For my younger one, college acceptances and graduation awards, etc. will finally be his 15 min of HS glory. Sad but true. I noticed he didn’t even turn in his senior yearbook quote or any of the other items they requested bc he doesn’t even care. I’m glad he’ll finally get a chance to shine at the end of the year.


That stinks. Fortunately those attributes (or whatever) that didnt equate to “popularity” in high school will more than likely result in a blast while in college and success in adulthood!!


EA is going to be announced this Friday after 5pm eastern. Good luck!


EA coming out Friday 2/10. Notes from Peabody: The UVA Application Process: #UVA Early Action Update


You beat me to it!


Thanks for sharing this update!

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