UVA EA / ED Fall 2023

Contact admissions. You don’t have to graduate from a Virginia high school to be a resident of Virginia. If your child was born and raised in Virginia they are a Virginia resident and should be classified as such for admissions purposes, whether home schooled or not.


My twins are homeschooled and were born, raised, and still living in VA. They are considered in-state and deferred.


I believe those come out next week, so probably too late but you could always call and ask.

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deferred - OOS 3.94/4.00, 35 ACT (single sitting), pretty strong ECs (spike in entrepreneurship/cancer research); given the 12% OOS offer rate i’m not exactly shocked

shame it’s a soft reject more or less; i would’ve loved to have gone to UVA - their polisci program is sick! does anyone know if they take LOCIs?

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They do not.

See point 4 in blog post


Good to know another homeschooler was not listed as “non-Virginian.” He’s born/raised in Virginia. Was disappointed to not at least get a deferral from his home state given he’s been deferred at Harvard. I’ve put a call into the residency office.

ah thank you - wasn’t sure as there was no info in letter - if i have pretty significant material updates to my application, do you think i should still send an email to the admissions committee?

DD23 Accepted for nursing!! She’s so excited since it is her top choice!

34 ACT
3.89 UW/4.26 W
8 APs/7 honors
School does not rank - small private school


You should read the deferral FAQs, it sounds like they won’t take anything other than midterm grades.

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You say “born and raised”, but do you still live in the state?

I would call and ask on Monday.


just checked - thank you for pointing me in that direction. still a shame :frowning: would love to have submitted something.

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Yes! Have rarely left the state, lol, and live about an hour and a half north of Charlottesville.


Very surprisingly, I was rejected.

I guess I set a record! Luckily, I’ve already gotten into a different place I like more, so I’m good :slight_smile:

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DD accepted - OOS
4.0 UW
35 ACT
Private school
Most rigorous course load (APs not offered)
Physics/philosophy angle
Awards in classical piano
I would say “standard-strong” ECs and school leadership…nothing out of the ordinary special, but committed


It honestly makes no sense sometimes. Someone posted here how their child’s essay really showed their personality. The fact is, many kids interested in the sciences aren’t great writers. In my daughter’s case, her friend was accepted (also OOS). Subpar academics in her private school, but better connections with UVA than my daughter’s school (plus the major is a factor). It’s hard not to be angry. We visited UVA on our own during the lockdowns, as we were hell bent on making the best of that time. UVA admissions will never know that. So we go elsewhere - it’s ultimately UVA’s loss that they don’t see who you are as a real person.:heart:


I’m fine! I got into UMich, which I prefer anyways (they have PPE, while UVA doesn’t), so it’s no biggie :slight_smile:


Great! My daughter got into UMich too!! She loved UVA, loved Charlottesville, but UVA didn’t love her - you can’t figure out why it is, on paper UVA always came out as being the best school for her. You - and her - will do great! Go Blue!!


Son got Deferred.
OOS 3.99 UW/4.84 weighted
1590 SAT/ 36 ACT (both single sitting)
10 APs
National Merit Semifinalist
Tons of EC (varsity sport, Captain Speech and Debate, law firm internship)

Applied for Econ major.

Hard to make sense of it.

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