UVA EA / ED Fall 2023

We are and that was part of the calculus. We in Georgia are very fortunate to have a top five engineering school in state so definitely a factor. However, our kid also had a fully funded 529 and we put no restrictions on finances on his decision. When you compare research opportunities, funding, facilities and national and global recognition, Michigan like GT is a powerhouse. I have been amazed at the job opportunities my GT son has had across the country, and I feel certain Michigan is no different. It is a top-tier engineering school. Certainly a great choice for anyone who wants to be an engineer.


Son denied
34 [ACT] (superscore)
4.17 (weighted) GPA
7 Dual-enrolled courses
2 AP courses
EC (Chess Club Captain, Soccer Referee, Volunteer work and internship/capstone work experience)

Your communication and transparency is so refreshing in this opaque and often times confusing process. Thank you so very much. You distinguish yourself and UVA!


Look back at common app to see whether correct boxes were check to indicate in state …I think there was something there where you check or uncheck a box…but might be remembering wrong


I would send an email to your admissions counselor. This is a mistake. Your student should be reevaluated.
And if this has happened to other homeschoolers, you need to take this up the ranks to make sure that ALL students of Virginia are treated fairly.


You said it, “the major is a factor.” The major IS the factor! Science and engineering majors are MUCH MORE competitive at every competitive school!
It’s hard to see someone else get in when you don’t, but someone applying for a philosophy major and someone applying for an engineering major are considered very differently. Each of these departments are looking for different things. You can’t compare apples and oranges.

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Are you on Facebook? Check out the UMich prospective parents and accepted parents groups. Also, have your student attend Campus Day. My older kids did not feel UMich was a “fit” on the regular tour. But fell in love with UMich on Campus Day.


DD23 OOS deferred. Time to move on


OOS admitted! 34/1490. 100 average. Many APs and average leadership EC. Total shock and grateful for the acceptance.


I rechecked my son’s application and he/we had checked no to the in-state question. The problem (I recalled since he’s only applied to 3 schools and this was the only public school and so the only one with a residency question) is that the question didn’t just ask if we were in state or out of state. I believe it asked if we were able to claim a privilege of in state residency? By privilege, we took that to mean something besides just living here, as with military families who can claim residency where they’re stationed. The homeschool family last year were military and so I recall that they did have residency issues come up. I hope that makes sense. I don’t want to blame UVA when obviously it seems that 30,000 + other applicants didn’t read it the way we did.


Thank you! We are going to Campus Day in March.


Deferred for Bio. OOS, 4.0UW/4.6W, 16 AP/H, TO, editor-in-chief, founded two large clubs, varsity, part-time job, city volunteer award, no hooks.

We were pleasantly surprised that we didn’t get rejected because we know it’s an extremely tough cut for OOS and TO applicants. We toured the campus a few years back and absolutely loved the campus vibe. D23 opted in for RD round and uploaded her mid-year grades with 5 AP classes (4.6 GPA) so we’re hoping for the best in next round.

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My student was accepted, yay! He knew to check the portal but never received any email to indicate that the results were out.

Did everyone here get an email? Concerned that emails are not getting through.


UT is an incredible top 10 public university and instate will be the most affordable, maybe its a blessing in disguise! :metal:


No complaints here… it has just become incredibly difficult as an OOS student to get into the top public universities (Mich, UNC, UVA, UCLA, UC Berkeley etc)


It’s worth finding out if this is appealable. You are not taking advantage. Mistakes happen and there’s typically a process to handle. It doesn’t mean the decision will be changed but perhaps it would bring a re evaluation.


My son is in the same boat as your daughter. He applied to UVA RD so we don’t know his decision yet, but the fact that he was admitted by Michigan which is an amazing school but we have our doubts as to it being the best fit for a kid like him and the schools we think he’d thrive at have deferred him. It’s very frustrating. Everyone tells us, he should definitely go to Michigan but it’s not that easy of a decision. He was also admitted to his 2 state schools which are also huge and share some of the qualities that make us hesitate about U-M. We also loved UVA and Charlottesville during our visit.

And the only person I know who’s attending UVA from our school is a recruited athlete. So I’m not expecting good results in the RD round.


Yes it’s a tough road. My DD had high stats and strong/unique ECs and essays, pretty sure the LOR was stand out since her teacher requested to write them for her (one was even an alum) were her strength but she got deferred. We are legacy but OOS, and recruited athlete beat us out. We may not have any students from our school attend UVA once all decisions from RD come out. It’s unfortunate since my Dd would have gone if she was accepted since she’s loved and known UvA since she was little.


The questions were basically just asking for proof that you qualify for in-state tuition (i.e. tax files, ID, car registered, etc.). The privilege thing is just the wording. Mistakes happen, so I definitely think you should contact admissions about that!


I’m sorry about that. To have legacy in the mix is all the more confusing bc you’d think that’s what would push you over the fence. Sounds like your daughter will do amazing anywhere she ends up with her qualifications. Now it’s just a matter of helping her find that place.