UVA EA / ED Fall 2023

Thanks for sharing. Looks like a very competitive year for admission to UVA.


Pretty significant decrease in acceptance rates from last year:

Early Decision Applications

Total number of Early Decision applications: 3,466 (2,937 last year)
Total number of VA apps: 1,833
Total number of OOS apps: 1,633
We use completed applications in our statistics.

Early Decision Offers

Overall offers: 1,109
Total VA offers: 703 (38% offer rate)
Total OOS offers: 406 (25% offer rate)
Enrollment Goal: ~3,750
Averaging these offer rates together is misleading because residency is a major factor in our review. If you are going to share these numbers, cite BOTH offer rates and not an average. Last year, we made just over 8,400 total offers to reach the enrollment goal.

Early Decision Defers

Overall defers: 1,027
Total VA defers: 530
Total OOS defers: 497
Deferred students are no longer bound by Early Decision agreements. Read more about deferral here (this link is in all defer letters). Midyear grades are due by February 15th and we’re happy to take them via the student portal.

Also keep in mind there is a certain number allocated for committed athletes…the acceptance rate for “regular students” is actually lower than the published numbers.

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Good luck today to Ed folks!

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Pretty confident I will be rejected

GPA: 4.2 UW
Top private school in TN
Mississippi Resident
EC: (Honor Council VP, President and founder of service club, Editor of school news paper, Global Medical training participant, multiple medical internships,)

100+ service hours
Outstanding youth in Philanthropy recipient
Part time job throughout the school year
History, Science, English, Literary, and National Honors societies

8 AP’s
Mostly A’s but a few B’s in foreign language courses

Applied ED and test optional

Anyone have any guesses?

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Good luck - you would be great!


Who got in!

I’ve been refreshing to see who got in too! My son applied EA so we have a looong wait!


I think ED decisions came out today!


They Did I know of one admittance. My dd did Ea so long wait still


Our school has at least 4 acceptances and 2 deferrals… NOVA high school … mine applied EA as well



which HS?

deferred in state

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Denied. OOS.

My nephew in CT got in.


My son had 2 friends who got denied (Northern Virginia High School)


Haven’t heard of any acceptances yet from our IB HS in Nova. One deferral and several rejections.

DD applied EA, so we still have a wait. Between this and VT ED the other day, kids are freaking out at her school.


There are more than the normal ED acceptances from our instate private, but more than normal went for ED over EA, and many of those ED kids would definitely have gotten in EA based on prior years. In the few years ED has existed(2020 I believe), the applicant numbers have been fairly constant with the vast majority applying EA, and 1/3 or less ED, and in general the EA group has been the stronger group, consistent with what DeanJ has said. This year the applied-ED group seems to be stronger than it usually is, and the higher acceptances are in line with that.


Any stats for those ED accepted kids? Pls can share.