UVA EA / ED Fall 2023

Lots of folks anticipating UVA EA around here…we are in state. Good luck to you! I am hoping it is Friday, consistent with the last two years.


In state also. UVA isnt “deferral happy” like other EA schools, correct? Two is enough! Best of luck all!

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Our HS always has lots of UVA deferrals and later WL. Its all about rank + rigor here, so it is very rarely a “surprise “ deferral (assuming one has listened to their college counselor–they try hard not to give any false hope, sometimes bordering on doom&gloom!)

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Ugh. Thank you.

Unfortunately, we are OOS. But I also know the pressure of students at NOVA. I remember many tears from students at my school who did not get in.


The Head of Guidance at our highly-ranked NJ public school told us point blank…“in the past 5 years, UVA has taken only the Valedictorian or Salutatorian” … we were grateful for the candor.


No rank at our school but we do have an athlete who happens to also be URM (good friends with my child) who applied to the school so he will prob will be selected. So he has a hook that is strong.


is he a recruited athlete? Then yes - otherwise the athlete part won’t matter.

It pains me when I read this - “I remember many tears from students at my school who did not get in.” I’m so glad I didn’t have to go this. My kids took their rejections with a shrug.

Some at UVA and many schools will not have the best experience, and either not graduate and/or leave. There is no dream school - something about it won’t be good.

And there’s a ton of colleges out there. And great ones.

I know it’s hard but we have to get the kids out of thinking - if I go to JMU instead of UVA or Radford instead of Va Tech - that my life will be garbage.

Only if you let it be garbage!!

But I know - it’s hard for them to understand.


He’s recruited late but has not yet received offer.

Yes and it didn’t help that it was such a big deal made at the school when the kids got into UVA. I recall all of us who got in were asked to come to the cafeteria after ED results - school made a big deal about who got in. Can be traumatic for kids who didn’t.


oh - that’s horrible.

Even at my kid’s school they show acceptances on a monitor - so some kids have 8 or 15 and others one.

Some kid might go to Harvard but it’s said that the kid who chose MTSU has to be made to feel bad - or how about the kid who didn’t go to school at all.

Yep, that’s not a good scene. But either is getting cut from a sports team. These kids see comparison everywhere unfortunately.


A tad off topic, but I don’t understand the massive amounts of deferrals. Do schools think this is “kinder” or is it simply an enrollment management thing? Denials help kids move on.


Likely both.


Overall I don’t think UVA does a lot of deferrals compared to other schools- it may seem a lot when there are a lot of deferrals from one school. Then from the numbers - not many deferred are actually accepted that could be for many reasons like people not filling out the deferred forms or withdrawing.


any portal astrology for UVA EA?


Good luck to everyone waiting on UVA EA!


During EA or RD?

We are seeing way more EA/ED deferrals and (last cycle from D’s high school) RD waitlists than in past years. Not at UVA, specifically. I probably should not have posted that comment in the UVA thread. :slight_smile:

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Hey- If Dean J said Feb 15, why are people thinking this Friday?

In the last few years early action decisions were the first Friday in February. Prior to that there were a few years it was the last Friday in January. No later than Feb 15 every year but she’ll announce a few days prior when to expect it. People are just hopeful/excited/eager.

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