UVA EA / ED Fall 2023

However this year, UVA experienced a tragedy that pushed out the ED this year and so, EA apps had a later start for reviews than usual. So I think it will be closer to the 15th as Dean J said.


from what i have read their deferral is a soft rejection unlike some other schools like Michigan where they defer so many and you would still have an actual chance and many are admitted in RD


Do they send many actual rejections (as opposed to the deferral - soft rejection)?

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They did at my son’s school for the ED round. For those that didn’t get in and that I’ve heard about (which is a small sample size) about half we deferred and half rejected.


I heard defer from UVa is not a soft rejection unless you are a legacy.

Wow, putting acceptances on a screen for all to see is rough. What if the kid only applied to one or two schools? That just seems not nice.


Dean J’s IG today posted Feb 15th and if earlier she will announce in advance.


I guess it depends on how you define soft rejection. Admit rate for RD the past several cycles has been very low with almost all deferred getting ultimately rejected. I think last year roughly 150 deferred got in out of roughly 8,000 deferred from ED and EA.

Agreed. I meant that if you are a legacy and deferred, take that as a rejection. Others will still have a slight chance, even though the chance is slim.

last year, results came on feb 7th or 8th. Do you guys think we can get it this year too?

The Dean today said most likely Feb 15 - but if it will be sooner, she will post on social media.

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She also said it would definitely not be tomorrow, Feb 3.

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I assume you mean deferred from EA to RD. According to theirs stats they accepted ~1k of ~4k ED apps.


I meant deferred from ED and EA combined to RD the total number deferred was around 8,000. Roughly 7,000 from EA and around 1,000 from ED.


Did she post that or did you call the office? I was really hoping they would come out today but it sounds like that’s not going to happen!

She said it in her live webinar yesterday and various times that it was not coming out today. She reiterated yesterday it would be 15th and if earlier she would notify us. Historically she announces several days (she’s really good about that) before it’s released and never has announced it on the day or even day before.


Agreed. Dean J gave two days prior notice last year. She posted a note on her blog on Wednesday, February 2, 2022 and released the decisions on February 4, 2022. Based on what she has said, it is reasonable to expect she will do the same this year.

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She does a live and on IG yesterday she said no way it would be today and that most likely, due to increase of applications, it would be Feb 15th as they posted. She also said she would post a few days before they are released so the applicants can know when to expect it. Most likely it will be end of day so the majority of applicants are out of school and can decide when, where and with whom to open their decision.


UVA is super transparent about their stats. Check out Dean J’s blog. Go back to last year and you can get a feel for things


This is total rumor, but chatter on the VT ED/EA thread that admissions staff hinted strongly on a tour yesterday that decisions will be out this Friday evening.

Given that UVA also tends to release on Friday evenings, could we possibly see both out at the same time? Half of VA’s seniors might very well involuntarily combust. I know DD is already biting her fingernails as they are her top 2.