UVA Early Decision for Fall 2022 Admission

Yes I noticed that too.
Five more hours to wait…….

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What time?

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Hi! What time do we hear?

Decisions are out now!!!

Son got in, so happy for him


Congrats!!!:tada: what wonderful news!!!
My daughter did too!!

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Could you share basics stats of your children? My daughter was deferred. Thanks.

Also deferred. 4.4 gpa, 1500 SAT, good ECs, in-state

DS took 16 AP’s, and honors or advanced in classes that offered it. He took all core classes each year and 6 years of his language. Rank 16 out of about 500. GPA 4.6. Lots of leadership and community service. I thought his essays were very good. Went test optional because UVA was saying that only people with near perfect scores were submitting them. His score was ok but he only got to take it once after many cancellations and he didn’t review for it because he thought it may be cancelled. Deanj says transcript is most important and that was his strength.

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Daughter got in - Out of state NJ
35 ACT
4.5 weighted GPA, all honors and AP
Student gov and club leadership and community service, no sports
First from our town in 8-10 years


Yeah my son was accepted! But I have been on the other side of the coin (last year with my older son, different school, he was WL) so my heart goes out to those deferred or denied. Will say, if it helps out all, my older son told me when he came home on Thanksgiving break- I am really glad I ended up at X versus X (he pulled himself off the WL.) He ended up with a nice scholarship at the school he went to and so far, it seems to fit him like a glove.


Do you mean last year,
because EA is not out until ~February 15, 2022?

Congrats to your DD: is that where she chose?

Mine was ED announced Friday.
Good luck to everyone, my last of 3 - happy to be beyond the stress

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Did any legacy applicants receive a letter from the admissions office expressing appreciation for the interest but that legacy candidates only receive extra consideration to the extent that the pool is strong? DS applied EA. 4.2 GPA 5 AP 10 honors class. Wondering if this is a gentle denial to soften the decision when it arrives in February.

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My d22 did. She was accepted ED. I think they probably send it to all legacies. Good luck to your son!


Yes, my daughter got the legacy letter. She was just accepted ED. Two years ago my son got the letter too, and he was also accepted.
I think the letter is primarily to tell the parents we know your kid is a legacy but things have changed since you went through this process!
If you don’t already follow Dean J (Instagram, Twitter, blog) I recommend doing that. She’s an admission dean at UVA and provides incredibly helpful info on the process. I have really appreciated her insights and candor.
Good luck!!


hey everyone! do we have any admissions updates from UVA regarding early action?


I just checked the ED announcements for Fall 2022. If we follow the same timeline this is what we should expect:

-Two days before the decisions: announcement confirming that the EA process is near completion

  • One day before the decisions: Stats around # admitted in-sate vs OOS and application volume
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thank you! i know the tentative date for EA decisions was feb 15th but i wasn’t sure if there has been any updates.