UVA Fall 2021 Transfer Thread

If anyone here applied to transfer in the past while also applying for aid, do you recall having to submit your tax documents through sis?

i dont think so. i applied last year out of high school and they never asked for forms if i remember correctly but they’re asking me for it now

My son applied last year out of HS and got accepted (but he didn’t go). UVA ask all docs through IDOC, not through SIS.

for international students, there’s no aid so is there any other indicator such as the inquiry access denied?


it’s under enrollment but ya I have that

There are a lot of comments here and I have to admit that I haven’t read them all.

SIS is used by Student Financial Services. “Inquiry Access Denied” is what shows up when you try to see a financial aid package that isn’t posted. It has nothing to do with your application for admission. The Office of Admission does not use SIS for application data or reading.

The applicant portal used by the Office of Admission. Decisions don’t even get fed into the portal until the release day. There is no hint, code, sign, message, etc that is related to your application decision in the portal because the decisions aren’t there.

The clicking around trying to find something isn’t productive and it’s probably taking you away from doing other things. We still have a lot of work to do before decisions are ready. Hang in there!


I’m sorry, but you are mistaken. Student Financial Services can’t wait for us complete our review process to start working on their files. That would cause serious delays in you all getting your packages.


Hi Dean J! If I have updates since my last application for Spring 2020, will that be taken into consideration this cycle? I added them to my portal, and I am really hoping the admissions committee sees them because the updates are very very important.

If I were you I would email admissions and ask them to make sure they’ve received all your updates. I emailed them a while back to make sure they got my midterm grades and another update to my application, and I got a response pretty quickly! Not sure if they respond on weekends, but I’m sure you’ll get a response by Monday at the latest.

I know I’m not Dean J but hopefully this helps!

Thank you so much!! You’re the best :slight_smile:

Is it okay if I am missing a few of the requirements for CAS? I am applying as an incoming second year. I have most but I am missing a few.

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yea they say that second year transfers should aim to have about half of the credits done

Some great advice I got from an admissions officer was to let them know how you plan on completing the missing requirements(can be a simple email or upload) if you have a couple credits left. Hope that helps :slight_smile:

Does anyone else have parents tax form and w-2 on their to do list? Do i turn it in on College board or sis?

Check How to Apply for Financial Aid: Transfer Applicants | Student Financial Services under What Else Might SFS Need From Me?

well i just got waitlisted from tech’s pamplin so um now im doubting my application to uva lol


Tech was rough this year. Kinda nervous about UVA now.


crap now I’m scared