UVA Fall 2021 Transfer Thread

Does anyone know what UVAs rule is on spring semester grades if accepted? If I were to get in and not waitlisted, do I need certain grades this semester to keep my admission offer? Currently have all As but curious to how that works.

I got waitlisted as well from tech with a 3.97 from JMU for 35 credits and a ton of ECs. They waitlisted a ton of kids at tech.

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I remember reading somewhere that B- and above is fine but once you drop below that you are risking it but idk how true that is

It’s C’s and above and you’re set. Anything below, email the admissions office.

Hey Everyone! I thought I would check into this thread, it has been a while since I applied but I guess its better late than never :). I got all of my materials in yesterday and the UVA office sent me a letter telling me my application is complete!

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Does this mean that they have your application status? Or just that they recieved everytihng

Application complete means they’ve received everything

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Has anyone had updates in SIS?

What sort of update are we looking for?

Guys, Dean J herself came down from above and told us there are no signs. I think we should take her word for it lol


Yeah I think they changed it this year.

Dean J. If you’re reading this please release decisions early. This wait is awful.

to be fair, theyve denied that every year on if there is any relation between sis and acceptance. Dean coughter as well

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either way, less than 2 weeks yall speculating doesnt make a difference anymore we’re almost there!!


anyone applying to McIntire?

if it eases anyone up a little, the # of applicants hasnt jumped too much this year for transfers (unlike VT) and the offer rates are very similar to the previous years

How do you know?

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Bold claim lol whered you get that from

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emailed a dean today and that was their response