UVA Fall 2021 Transfer Thread

Hello! I applied to uva as an incoming second year transfer student! I applied last year as a high school senior and was sadly waitlisted! I am praying I get accepted since UVA is my dream school! I am applying as an in state resident to the college of arts and sciences! Can someone plz chance me?

  • HS GPA: 4.8
  • HS courses: All A’s and took 7 AP, 1 dual enrollment, and all others honors including 4 years of Spanish
  • College GPA- 3.9
  • College courses- 15 credits first semester, 17 credits this semester
  • sent in midterm grades which were all A’s
  • good amount of extracurriculars, leadership positions, and awards
  • deans list
  • honors college
  • white female
  • SAT: 1330
  • strong essays

all together

Hey guys, I e-mailed the SFS, and this is the response I got. So if you see inquiry access denied - sorry.

“The inquiry access is set to no inquiry automatically, when you are no longer consider as a student or potential Student.”

Is this some sort of rejection it’s so weird because every applicant is a potential student right?

Where are people seeing inquiry denied?

That seems odd

This is a message from Dean J herself


I’m so confused

same lol

seeing inquiry access denied does definitely not mean rejected as its been said it doesnt indicate anything by multiple deans AND considering that even at least ONE person has gotten in when they saw inquiry denied in the previous years :sob:

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yea even if it meant something it certainly doesn’t mean rejection. Numerous people have gotten it and gotten in. In addition, the dean of the school said herself it is not an indicator.

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yea exactly if it were to mean anything it def doesnt mean rejection. we’ll be finding out in 9 days anyways so

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SIS → finance center → view financial aid

My friend said everyone has inquiry access denied. Some people can’t find it and think they don’t have it. Idk how true that statement is lol

someone can confirm by doing Financials → Finance Center → View Financial Aid

ive seen a lot of people do Financials → View Financial Aid which shows “You have no awards yet” so people think they dont have it

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I see you have no awards yet, but I didn’t apply for FA so not sure what it means for me

nothing tbh. this “early indication” speculation bs doesn’t even apply to people that didnt apply for fa so ur chilling

also on the transfer blog Dean C said again that uva isnt accepting less transfer applicants this year.
I have heard that UVA is accepting less transfer applicants this year than in years past. Is there any merit to this rumor?”
“No, there’s not much difference in the size of the enrolling class this year”

What year do you see to the left of the inquiry access denied?

2021 and 2022. i applied for FA last yr out of hs too so i think thats why theres 2